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Yan-hui Zhao


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.8 P.636-651


Experimental investigation on flow characteristics of a transverse jet with an upstream vortex generator

Author(s):  Yan-hui Zhao, Jian-han Liang, Shun-ping Zhang, Hong-yu Ren, Yu-xin Zhao, Shun-hua Yang

Affiliation(s):  Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center, Mianyang 621000, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   mj311840@126.com

Key Words:  Vortex generator (VG), Jet in supersonic crossflow (JISC), Penetration depth and lateral diffusion, Vortices structures

Yan-hui Zhao, Jian-han Liang, Shun-ping Zhang, Hong-yu Ren, Yu-xin Zhao, Shun-hua Yang. Experimental investigation on flow characteristics of a transverse jet with an upstream vortex generator[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(8): 636-651.

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%T Experimental investigation on flow characteristics of a transverse jet with an upstream vortex generator
%A Yan-hui Zhao
%A Jian-han Liang
%A Shun-ping Zhang
%A Hong-yu Ren
%A Yu-xin Zhao
%A Shun-hua Yang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 636-651
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1900392

T1 - Experimental investigation on flow characteristics of a transverse jet with an upstream vortex generator
A1 - Yan-hui Zhao
A1 - Jian-han Liang
A1 - Shun-ping Zhang
A1 - Hong-yu Ren
A1 - Yu-xin Zhao
A1 - Shun-hua Yang
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This paper aims at probing the flow characteristics of a jet in supersonic crossflow (JISC) by installing a vortex generator (VG) upstream of the jet orifice. Nanoparticle planar laser scattering (NPLS) and stereo-particle image velocimetry (SPIV) technologies were employed to observe the flowfield, and three cases were designed for comparison. CASE0 stands for JISC without passive VG. In CASE1 and CASE2, VG is installed at 20 mm and 80 mm upstream away from the jet orifice, respectively. Transient flow structures show that two flow modes exist when the VG wake interacts with the JISC. In CASE1, vortices are induced from both sides of the jet plume because of the VG wake. This leads to a complex streamwise vortex system. Penetration and lateral diffusion are enhanced. In CASE2, intermittent large-scale eddies in the VG wake cause large streamwise vortices at the windward side of the jet. The penetration depth is also enhanced while the lateral diffusion is restrained. In addition, experimental results show that the penetration depth is approximately 8.5% higher in CASE1 than that in CASE0, and the lateral diffusion is larger by about 17.0%. In CASE2, the penetration is increased by about 26.2%, while the lateral diffusion is enhanced by just 0.5%.


目的:通过在喷孔上游安装涡流发生器(VG)来研究超声速横向射流(JISC)的流动特性. 采用纳米粒子平面激光散射(NPLS)和空间粒子图像测速(SPIV)技术对流场进行观测,并设计三种工况进行对比实验,以研究横向射流的流动特性.
创新点:1. 采用NPLS和SPIV为实验观测手段,定量化地研究涡流发生器对超声速来流的穿透深度和横向扩散的影响; 2. 根据实验观测结果展示涡流发生器与横向射流相互作用的流场特性,揭示涡流发生器的混合增强机理.
方法:1. 采用NPLS流场进行观测,获得瞬态流场灰度图(图6、7和10~12),并分析不同观测平面的瞬态流场结构; 2. 基于瞬态流场灰度图,通过边缘检测和统计分析方法,提取射流穿透深度和横向扩散边界(图14),并对涡流发生器的混合增强效果进行分析; 3. 采用SPIV技术对流场进行观测,获得多个观测截面的平均速度场,并根据速度场计算涡量场(图8、11和15),揭示射流流向涡的涡量分布.
结论:1. 在设计的三个实验工况中,CASE0是横向射流基本工况; 与CASE0相比,CASE1中的VG在喷孔附近的羽流两侧产生了两个诱导涡,在形态上形成了一个耳朵形涡结构; CASE2中VG尾流的间歇性大尺度涡对射流迎风侧的诱导涡起主导作用,产生了一个大尺度流向涡. 2. 与CASE0相比,CASE1中射流的穿透深度和横向扩散边界分别增加了8.5%和17.0%,而CASE2中的穿透深度和横向扩散边界分别增加了26.2%和0.5%; 因此,在CASE2中,穿透深度的增加更显著,而横向扩散没有明显改善,这与相互作用模式的涡结构特性有关. 3. 涡量分布表明,CASE1中存在一个复杂流向涡系统,且VG的尾流在射流反转旋涡对(CVP)的内侧形成了一对诱导涡,而在CASE0中,诱导涡应该在CVP的下方. 4. 根据多个yoz截面的涡量场分布可以发现,VG促进了射流肾形涡的形成和发展.

关键词:涡流发生器; 超声速来流中的横向射流; 穿透深度与横向扩散; 涡结构

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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