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Hong Yin


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2015 Vol.16 No.9 P.744-758


Symbolic representation based on trend features for knowledge discovery in long time series

Author(s):  Hong Yin, Shu-qiang Yang, Xiao-qian Zhu, Shao-dong Ma, Lu-min Zhang

Affiliation(s):  1College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   yinhonggfkd@aliyun.com

Key Words:  Long time series, Segmentation, Trend features, Symbolic, Knowledge discovery

Hong Yin, Shu-qiang Yang, Xiao-qian Zhu, Shao-dong Ma, Lu-min Zhang. Symbolic representation based on trend features for knowledge discovery in long time series[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2015, 16(9): 744-758.

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%T Symbolic representation based on trend features for knowledge discovery in long time series
%A Hong Yin
%A Shu-qiang Yang
%A Xiao-qian Zhu
%A Shao-dong Ma
%A Lu-min Zhang
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Shu-qiang Yang
A1 - Xiao-qian Zhu
A1 - Shao-dong Ma
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The symbolic representation of time series has attracted much research interest recently. The high dimensionality typical of the data is challenging, especially as the time series becomes longer. The wide distribution of sensors collecting more and more data exacerbates the problem. Representing a time series effectively is an essential task for decision-making activities such as classification, prediction, and knowledge discovery. In this paper, we propose a new symbolic representation method for long time series based on trend features, called trend feature symbolic approximation (TFSA). The method uses a two-step mechanism to segment long time series rapidly. Unlike some previous symbolic methods, it focuses on retaining most of the trend features and patterns of the original series. A time series is represented by trend symbols, which are also suitable for use in knowledge discovery, such as association rules mining. TFSA provides the lower bounding guarantee. Experimental results show that, compared with some previous methods, it not only has better segmentation efficiency and classification accuracy, but also is applicable for use in knowledge discovery from time series.


创新点:提出一种基于并行分割的时间序列符号化方法—趋势特征符号化近似法(trend feature symbolic approximation, TFSA),对长时间序列进行快速分割,并且保留原始序列大多数趋势特征,将分割后的子序列用特征符号表示。本文的贡献在于改进了长时间序列的分割效率,而且TFSA专注于保留原始时间序列的大多数趋势特征,使得挖掘后的规则更加容易理解和解释。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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