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Wei Hu


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2016 Vol.17 No.11 P.1154-1175


Storage wall for exascale supercomputing

Author(s):  Wei Hu, Guang-ming Liu, Qiong Li, Yan-huang Jiang, Gui-lin Cai

Affiliation(s):  College of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   huwei@nscc-tj.gov.cn, liugm@nscc-tj.gov.cn, qiong_joan_li@aliyun.com, yhjiang@nudt.edu.cn, cc_cai@163.com

Key Words:  Storage-bounded speedup, Storage wall, High performance computing, Exascale computing

Wei Hu, Guang-ming Liu, Qiong Li, Yan-huang Jiang, Gui-lin Cai. Storage wall for exascale supercomputing[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2016, 17(11): 1154-1175.

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%T Storage wall for exascale supercomputing
%A Wei Hu
%A Guang-ming Liu
%A Qiong Li
%A Yan-huang Jiang
%A Gui-lin Cai
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A1 - Qiong Li
A1 - Yan-huang Jiang
A1 - Gui-lin Cai
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The mismatch between compute performance and I/O performance has long been a stumbling block as supercomputers evolve from petaflops to exaflops. Currently, many parallel applications are I/O intensive, and their overall running times are typically limited by I/O performance. To quantify the I/O performance bottleneck and highlight the significance of achieving scalable performance in peta/exascale supercomputing, in this paper, we introduce for the first time a formal definition of the ‘storage wall’ from the perspective of parallel application scalability. We quantify the effects of the storage bottleneck by providing a storage-bounded speedup, defining the storage wall quantitatively, presenting existence theorems for the storage wall, and classifying the system architectures depending on I/O performance variation. We analyze and extrapolate the existence of the storage wall by experiments on Tianhe-1A and case studies on Jaguar. These results provide insights on how to alleviate the storage wall bottleneck in system design and achieve hardware/software optimizations in peta/exascale supercomputing.




Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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