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Guo-peng Xu


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2018 Vol.19 No.6 P.783-795


Affective rating ranking based on face images in arousal-valence dimensional space

Author(s):  Guo-peng Xu, Hai-tang Lu, Fei-fei Zhang, Qi-rong MAO

Affiliation(s):  School of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China

Corresponding email(s):   gpxu@ujs.edu.cn, 1406404872@qq.com, susanzhang1231@sina.com, mao_qr@mail.ujs.edu.cn

Key Words:  Ordinal ranking, Dimensional affect recognition, Valence, Arousal, Facial image processing

Guo-peng Xu, Hai-tang Lu, Fei-fei Zhang, Qi-rong MAO. Affective rating ranking based on face images in arousal-valence dimensional space[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018, 19(6): 783-795.

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%T Affective rating ranking based on face images in arousal-valence dimensional space
%A Guo-peng Xu
%A Hai-tang Lu
%A Fei-fei Zhang
%A Qi-rong MAO
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A1 - Guo-peng Xu
A1 - Hai-tang Lu
A1 - Fei-fei Zhang
A1 - Qi-rong MAO
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In dimensional affect recognition, the machine learning methods, which are used to model and predict affect, are mostly classification and regression. However, the annotation in the dimensional affect space usually takes the form of a continuous real value which has an ordinal property. The aforementioned methods do not focus on taking advantage of this important information. Therefore, we propose an affective rating ranking framework for affect recognition based on face images in the valence and arousal dimensional space. Our approach can appropriately use the ordinal information among affective ratings which are generated by discretizing continuous annotations. Specifically, we first train a series of basic cost-sensitive binary classifiers, each of which uses all samples relabeled according to the comparison results between corresponding ratings and a given rank of a binary classifier. We obtain the final affective ratings by aggregating the outputs of binary classifiers. By comparing the experimental results with the baseline and deep learning based classification and regression methods on the benchmarking database of the AVEC 2015 Challenge and the selected subset of SEMAINE database, we find that our ordinal ranking method is effective in both arousal and valence dimensions.


概要:在维度情感识别领域,分类和回归通常被用来对情感的机器学习进行建模和预测。然而,在维度情感空间中,情感标注通常是一个连续的实数值,拥有有序属性。而前面所提的两种方法并没有考虑并利用这一重要信息。因此,我们提出一个在激活和效价维度空间下的基于脸部图像的情感等级排序框架。我们的方法能够通过离散化连续的情感标注得到情感等级,并恰当地利用它们之间的有序信息。确切地说,首先训练一系列基本误差敏感二分类器,每个二分类器都使用经过二值重新标注的全部样本。依据样本对应的情感等级与给定二分类器对应的情感等级的比较结果,对二值进行重新标注。然后通过聚合所有二分类器的输出结果,可以得到样本最终的情感等级预测结果。在AVEC 2015挑战赛标准数据集和SEMAINE子集数据集上对所提方法与基本的和基于深度学习的分类和回归方法进行比较。实验结果表明,所提出的基于排序的情感识别方法在激活和效价两个维度上都是有效的。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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