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Huixin DONG


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2022 Vol.23 No.1 P.19-30


Ultra-low-power backscatter-based software-defined radio for intelligent and simplified IoT network

Author(s):  Huixin DONG, Wei KUANG, Fei XIAO, Lihai LIU, Feng XIANG, Wei WANG, Jianhua HE

Affiliation(s):  School of Electronic Information and Communication, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   huixin@hust.edu.cn, kuangwei@hust.edu.cn, feixiao@hust.edu.cn, isaacllh@hotmail.com, fengxiang@alumni.hust.edu.cn, weiwangw@hust.edu.cn, j.he@essex.ac.uk

Key Words:  Backscatter, Ultra-low-power SDR, IoT networks

Huixin DONG, Wei KUANG, Fei XIAO, Lihai LIU, Feng XIANG, Wei WANG, Jianhua HE. Ultra-low-power backscatter-based software-defined radio for intelligent and simplified IoT network[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2022, 23(1): 19-30.

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%T Ultra-low-power backscatter-based software-defined radio for intelligent and simplified IoT network
%A Huixin DONG
%A Lihai LIU
%A Jianhua HE
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - Ultra-low-power backscatter-based software-defined radio for intelligent and simplified IoT network
A1 - Huixin DONG
A1 - Wei KUANG
A1 - Fei XIAO
A1 - Lihai LIU
A1 - Feng XIANG
A1 - Wei WANG
A1 - Jianhua HE
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%@ 2095-9184
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/FITEE.2100321

The recent decade has witnessed an upsurge in the demands of intelligent and simplified Internet of Things (IoT) networks that provide ultra-low-power communication for numerous miniaturized devices. Although the research community has paid great attention to wireless protocol designs for these networks, researchers are handicapped by the lack of an energy-efficient software-defined radio (SDR) platform for fast implementation and experimental evaluation. Current SDRs perform well in battery-equipped systems, but fail to support miniaturized IoT devices with stringent hardware and power constraints. This paper takes the first step toward designing an ultra-low-power SDR that satisfies the ultra-low-power or even battery-free requirements of intelligent and simplified ioT networks. To achieve this goal, the core technique is the effective integration of μW-level backscatter in our SDR to sidestep power-hungry active radio frequency chains. We carefully develop a novel circuit design for efficient energy harvesting and power control, and devise a competent solution for eliminating the harmonic and mirror frequencies caused by backscatter hardware. We evaluate the proposed SDR using different modulation schemes, and it achieves a high data rate of 100 kb/s with power consumption less than 200 μW in the active mode and as low as 10 μW in the sleep mode. We also conduct a case study of railway inspection using our platform, achieving 1 kb/s battery-free data delivery to the monitoring unmanned aerial vehicle at a distance of 50 m in a real-world environment, and provide two case studies on smart factories and logistic distribution to explore the application of our platform.


3艾塞克斯大学计算机科学与电子工程学院,英国科尔切斯特市,CO4 3SQ
摘要:近年来,对智能和简化、为众多小型化设备提供超低功耗的通信物联网(IoT)的需求激增。尽管科研人员已开始为这些网络设计通信协议,但缺乏一个低功耗、高能效软件无线电(SDR)开发平台实现快速实施和实验评估。现有SDR平台只能在有源场景下工作良好,但不适用于硬件条件和能量高度受限的小型化IoT设备。本文率先尝试实现一种超低功耗SDR平台,可满足超低功耗甚至无源物联网节点的通信研发需求。为实现这个目标,将 µW级背向散射通信技术有效集成到SDR平台,避免使用高耗能有源射频前端器件。设计了一个包含能量收集和功率管理的新颖电路,并提出消除背向散射造成的谐波和镜像频率干扰方法。评估了不同调制方式下的SDR性能,实现了100 kb/s的高通信速率,该节点在唤醒状态能耗低于200 µW,在睡眠状态下能耗为10 µW。利用该平台进行一个铁路检查案例研究,在真实环境中且距离为50米时,实现1 kb/s的无源数据传输效率。此外,提供智能工厂和物流配送两个案例,探索所提平台的应用。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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