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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2005 Vol.6 No.7 P.750-759


Two kinds of B-basis of the algebraic hyperbolic space

Author(s):  LI Ya-juan, WANG Guo-zhao

Affiliation(s):  Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Corresponding email(s):   liyajuan9104@sohu.com

Key Words:  Algebraic hyperbolic Bé, zier basis, Algebraic hyperbolic B-Spline basis, Algebraic hyperbolic Bé, zier curve, Algebraic hyperbolic B-Spline curve

LI Ya-juan, WANG Guo-zhao. Two kinds of B-basis of the algebraic hyperbolic space[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2005, 6(7): 750-759.

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%T Two kinds of B-basis of the algebraic hyperbolic space
%A LI Ya-juan
%A WANG Guo-zhao
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 6
%N 7
%P 750-759
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2005
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.2005.A0750

T1 - Two kinds of B-basis of the algebraic hyperbolic space
A1 - LI Ya-juan
A1 - WANG Guo-zhao
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
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SP - 750
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%@ 1673-565X
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In this paper, two new kinds of B-basis functions called algebraic hyperbolic (AH) Bézier basis and AH B-Spline basis are presented in the space Γk=span{1,t,...,tk-3,sinht,cosht}, in which K is an arbitrary integer larger than or equal to 3. They share most optimal properties as those of the Bézier basis and B-Spline basis respectively and can represent exactly some remarkable curves and surfaces such as the hyperbola, catenary, hyperbolic spiral and the hyperbolic paraboloid. The generation of tensor product surfaces of the AH B-Spline basis have two forms: AH B-Spline surface and AH T-Spline surface.

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Open peer comments: Debate/Discuss/Question/Opinion


Reenu Sharma@Rani Durgawati University<reenusharma6@rediff.com>

2012-01-17 11:51:25

Dear Editor

I am doing Ph.D. on the various types of B spline curves.

This paper will be very helpful for my Ph.D.

With Regards

Reenu Sharma

Please provide your name, email address and a comment

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