CLC number: TG146.3
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
Revision Accepted: 2024-05-08
Crosschecked: 2015-07-20
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Citations: Bibtex RefMan EndNote GB/T7714
Guo-huan Bao, Yi Chen, Ji-en Ma, You-tong Fang, Liang Meng, Shu-min Zhao, Xin Wang, Jia-bin Liu. Microstructure and properties of cold drawing Cu-2.5% Fe-0.2% Cr and Cu-6% Fe alloys[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2015, 16(8): 622-629.
@article{title="Microstructure and properties of cold drawing Cu-2.5% Fe-0.2% Cr and Cu-6% Fe alloys",
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%T Microstructure and properties of cold drawing Cu-2.5% Fe-0.2% Cr and Cu-6% Fe alloys
%A Guo-huan Bao
%A Yi Chen
%A Ji-en Ma
%A You-tong Fang
%A Liang Meng
%A Shu-min Zhao
%A Xin Wang
%A Jia-bin Liu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 16
%N 8
%P 622-629
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2015
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1400285
T1 - Microstructure and properties of cold drawing Cu-2.5% Fe-0.2% Cr and Cu-6% Fe alloys
A1 - Guo-huan Bao
A1 - Yi Chen
A1 - Ji-en Ma
A1 - You-tong Fang
A1 - Liang Meng
A1 - Shu-min Zhao
A1 - Xin Wang
A1 - Jia-bin Liu
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
VL - 16
IS - 8
SP - 622
EP - 629
%@ 1673-565X
Y1 - 2015
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1400285
Abstract: High strength and high conductivity Cu-based materials are key requirements in high-speed railway and high-field magnet systems. Cu-Fe alloys represent one of the most promising candidates due to the cheapness of Fe compared to Cu-Ag and Cu-Nb alloys. The high strength of Cu-Fe alloys primarily relies on the high density of the Cu/Fe phase interface, which is controlled by the co-deformation of the Cu matrix and Fe phase. In this study, our main attention was focused on the deformation behavior of the Fe phase using different scales. Cu-2.5% Fe-0.2% Cr (in weight) and Cu-6% Fe alloys were cast, annealed, and cold drawn into wires to investigate their microstructure and properties evolution. Cu-6% Fe contains Cu matrix and Fe, which become the primary particles in the micrometer scale after solution treatment. Cu-2.5% Fe-0.2% Cr contains Cu matrix and Fe precipitate particles in a nanometer scale after solution and aging treatment. The Fe primary particles were elongated and evolved into ribbons in a nanometer scale while the Fe precipitate particles were hardly deformed even at a drawing strain of 6. The reason for the unchanging characteristics of Fe precipitate particles is due to the size effect and incoherent phase interface of Cu matrix and Fe precipitate particles. The strength of both Cu-6% Fe and Cu-2.5% Fe-0.2% Cr alloys increases with the increase in the drawing strain. The electrical resistivity of Cu-6% Fe gradually increases and that of Cu-2.5% Fe-0.2% Cr keeps almost constant with the increase in the drawing strain.
This is a very interesting contribution to the field of highly strained electrical conductors based on copper composites. Specifically the approach to study the less expensive combination of Cu and Fe is of some relevance in this field. The work has been well described and the results are of interest to the community in this field. Thus I wish to applaud the authors for a nice piece of work.
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