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Satoru Sone


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2015 Vol.16 No.10 P.769-780


Comparison of the technologies of the Japanese Shinkansen and Chinese High-speed Railways

Author(s):  Satoru Sone

Affiliation(s):  Kogakuin University, Tokyo 113-8677, Japan

Corresponding email(s):   sonesatoru@gmail.com

Key Words:  High-speed railway, Medium speed railway, Suburban railway, Distributed traction, Concentrated traction, MT ratio, Power feeding system, Current collection, Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) problems, Safety and reliability, Coordination

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Satoru Sone. Comparison of the technologies of the Japanese Shinkansen and Chinese High-speed Railways[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2015, 16(10): 769-780.

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After describing Japanese slow but steady progress and Chinese very rapid progress of high-speed railways, comparison and analysis of ways of development and those of specific components are discussed. By adding descriptions of European developments which are much different to Japanese, comparisons are made between Japanese and Chinese strong and weak points in order to contribute to the improvement of worldwide rail passengers’ transport including inferior aspect of both countries systems.


概要:本文主要从技术的角度对日本和中国的高速铁路技术进行比较。首先介绍日中两国高速铁路的发展简史,并用数字说明两国在高速铁路运营里程、旅客发送量和高速列车数量等方面的现状。其次,比较分析日中两国高速铁路在高速列车设计理念、自动过电分相、电磁兼容、再生制动列 车导入后的相平衡措施和列车轻量化等技术方面上的差异,并侧重阐述日本在轻量化和编组动拖比优化等方面取得的成功经验。其三,介绍英国、法国和德国的高速铁路技术,并以日本为比较对象,从受流、列车超速防护、列车长度、运行图、动力方式和转向架结构等方面说明法国高速铁路技术的特点。其四,分析中日两国高速列车采用相同的动力分散方式背后的不同原因以及中国引进日欧技术导致多种技术并存的优点和缺点。其五,提出中日两国今后应重点讨论的几个技术问题,如编组动拖比优化、制动系统设计、安全和可靠性设计以及车载列控系统设计等。最后,从日中两国中速铁路和市郊铁路存在明显差异的角度,分析日中两国铁路的特殊性,提出两国在高速铁路、中速铁路以及城市轨道交通领域相互取长补短的具体方法。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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