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Long Yan


Qing-xiang Meng


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2017 Vol.18 No.2 P.124-137


A numerical method for analyzing the permeability of heterogeneous geomaterials based on digital image processing

Author(s):  Long Yan, Qing-xiang Meng, Wei-ya Xu, Huan-ling Wang, Qiang Zhang, Jiu-chang Zhang, Ru-bin Wang

Affiliation(s):  Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   tianyameng@hhu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Heterogeneous geomaterials, Digital image processing (DIP), Macro permeability coefficient, Scale dependency

Long Yan, Qing-xiang Meng, Wei-ya Xu, Huan-ling Wang, Qiang Zhang, Jiu-chang Zhang, Ru-bin Wang. A numerical method for analyzing the permeability of heterogeneous geomaterials based on digital image processing[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2017, 18(2): 124-137.

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%T A numerical method for analyzing the permeability of heterogeneous geomaterials based on digital image processing
%A Long Yan
%A Qing-xiang Meng
%A Wei-ya Xu
%A Huan-ling Wang
%A Qiang Zhang
%A Jiu-chang Zhang
%A Ru-bin Wang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%N 2
%P 124-137
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%D 2017
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1500335

T1 - A numerical method for analyzing the permeability of heterogeneous geomaterials based on digital image processing
A1 - Long Yan
A1 - Qing-xiang Meng
A1 - Wei-ya Xu
A1 - Huan-ling Wang
A1 - Qiang Zhang
A1 - Jiu-chang Zhang
A1 - Ru-bin Wang
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1500335

In this study, we propose a digital image processing technology for estimating the macro permeability property of heterogeneous geomaterials. The technology is based on a connected-component labeling algorithm and provides a novel and effective method for geometry vectorization and microstructure identification. A color photo of a soil and rock mixture (SRM) is taken as an example. Information about the distribution of aggregate and a vectorgraph, which can be used in numerical analysis, are obtained automatically. A numerical permeability test is carried out to estimate the macro permeability coefficient of the heterogeneous medium. The effects on macro permeability of three parameters, scale dependency, material heterogeneity and the rock fraction, are discussed. The results indicate that the SRM has a scale dependent property and the representative element volume (REV) length is about six times the maximum major axis of the aggregate. The heterogeneity parameter has a major effect on macro permeability characteristics within a certain range. There is a weak tendency for the macro permeability to decrease as the rock fraction increases. Although the rock fraction is not the only factor, it does have an influence on the macro permeability. We conclude that the novel method developed in this study has good prospects for widespread application in macro parameter estimation and related research fields.

The authors establishes a digital image processing together with FEM numerical method for permeability analysis of geomaterials considering the material heterogeneity. The manuscript is well organized and easy to follow.


方法:1. 将采集到彩色图像从RGB空间转化到HSI空间,选取识别度较高的空间进行二值化处理;2. 获取二值化图像后采用邻域标记算法标记,结合本文提出的算法提取边界(图9和10);3. 结合边界修正算法对锯齿状边界进行修正(图11);4. 确定表征细观几何模型(图12和表1);5. 绘制网格开展数值分析,确定宏观参数。
结论:1. 基于数值图像的非均匀岩土材料渗透系数确定方法可以较为准确地估算渗透系数,可以为工程设计提供初步依据。2. 非均匀岩土材料具有明显的尺寸效应,随着尺寸增加,渗透率的变化逐渐趋于稳定;当材料视为岩石和土体的二元介质时,两种性质差异在10倍以内对宏观特性的影响较大,大于10倍之后影响减弱。3. 岩土材料渗透率随着内部块石含量的增加而减小,但是内部块石的形态对渗透率也有一定的影响。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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