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Xiao-ping Ouyang


Bo-qian Fan


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2016 Vol.17 No.6 P.454-467


A novel multi-objective optimization method for the pressurized reservoir in hydraulic robotics

Author(s):  Xiao-ping Ouyang, Bo-qian Fan, Hua-yong Yang, Shuo Ding

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, , 310027,

Corresponding email(s):   felix.zju@gmail.com

Key Words:  Hydraulic driven robots, Multi-objective optimal design, Interactive decision-making, Pressurized reservoir

Xiao-ping Ouyang, Bo-qian Fan, Hua-yong Yang, Shuo Ding. A novel multi-objective optimization method for the pressurized reservoir in hydraulic robotics[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2016, 17(6): 454-467.

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%T A novel multi-objective optimization method for the pressurized reservoir in hydraulic robotics
%A Xiao-ping Ouyang
%A Bo-qian Fan
%A Hua-yong Yang
%A Shuo Ding
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 454-467
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Xiao-ping Ouyang
A1 - Bo-qian Fan
A1 - Hua-yong Yang
A1 - Shuo Ding
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1600034

The pressurized reservoir is a closed hydraulic tank which plays a significant role in enhancing the capabilities of hydraulic driven robotics. The spring pressurized reservoir adopted in this paper requires comprehensive performance, such as weight, size, fluid volume, and pressure, which is hard to balance. A novel interactive multi-objective optimization approach, the feasible space tightening method, is proposed, which is efficient in solving complicated engineering design problems where multiple objectives are determined by multiple design variables. This method provides sufficient information to the designer by visualizing the performance trends within the feasible space as well as its relationship with the design variables. A step towards the final solution could be made by raising the threshold on performance indicators interactively, so that the feasible space is reduced and the remaining solutions are more preferred by the designer. With the help of this new method, the preferred solution of a spring pressurized reservoir is found. Practicability and efficiency are demonstrated in the optimal design process, where the solution is determined within four rounds of interaction between the designer and the optimization program. Tests on the designed prototype show good results.

The paper is interesting, properly written and useful. Pressurized reservoir will play an important role in enhancing the capabilities of hydraulic driven robotics. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate a novel interactive multi-objective optimization approach named feasible space tightening method, which is efficient in solving complicated engineering design problems where multiple objectives are determined by multiple design variables.


创新点:1. 提出一种在设计变量平面上投影性能曲面的多目标优化方法,通过设定性能阈值缩小可行解范围并获得决策;2. 将增压油箱应用于液压机器人,提高液压机器人的功率密度和性能。
方法:1. 采用活塞-弹簧增压的原理来实现机器人液压系统增压,分析增压油箱的容量、质量和增压压力等性能,确定增压油箱设计为多目标优化问题。2. 通过在设计变量平面上的投影曲面,分析增压油箱性能指标与设计变量之间的关系;将目标函数阈值引入设计限制条件,通过控制待优化的指标缩小可行域,获得油箱设计的最终解。3. 按优化设计参数加工油箱样机,并在液压机器人动力源上进行测试。
结论:1. 增压油箱优化结果表明本文提出的设计方法可帮助设计者获得所需的最优解;2. 增压油箱样机的应用测试结果表明所研制的增压油箱在液压机器人系统中运行可靠。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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