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Chia Weng Boon


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2018 Vol.19 No.4 P.255-265


Discontinuum analyses of openings constructed with side drift and limited rock cover

Author(s):  Chia Weng Boon, Chee Wei Neo, David Chew Chiat Ng, Victor Chee Wee Ong

Affiliation(s):  One Smart Engineering Pte Ltd., 658065, Singapore

Corresponding email(s):   chiaweng.boon@oxfordalumni.org, ong@onesmart.com.sg

Key Words:  Rock cover, Twin tunnel, Side drift, Pillar, Distinct element method (DEM)

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Chia Weng Boon, Chee Wei Neo, David Chew Chiat Ng, Victor Chee Wee Ong. Discontinuum analyses of openings constructed with side drift and limited rock cover[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2018, 19(4): 255-265.

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%T Discontinuum analyses of openings constructed with side drift and limited rock cover
%A Chia Weng Boon
%A Chee Wei Neo
%A David Chew Chiat Ng
%A Victor Chee Wee Ong
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%N 4
%P 255-265
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%D 2018
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1700496

T1 - Discontinuum analyses of openings constructed with side drift and limited rock cover
A1 - Chia Weng Boon
A1 - Chee Wei Neo
A1 - David Chew Chiat Ng
A1 - Victor Chee Wee Ong
J0 - Journal of Zhejiang University Science A
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1700496

The design of rock support for a typical horseshoe shaped tunnel with considerations of it being excavated into a twin arch tunnel was studied using the distinct element method (DEM). Two different competent rock covers, i.e. 4 m and 7.5 m above the tunnel crown, were analysed. The results are relevant to the granitic geological unit in Singapore which has a weathering profile with rockhead found at some locations to be only 20–35 m below ground level and undulating, leaving limited rock cover for some sections along tunnels of similar depth. The verification of the adequacy of competent rock cover is important to ensure that the choice of ground support is suitable, particularly when the tunnel is excavated using the drill-and-blast method. In the opening geometry analysed in this study, a side drift is excavated adjacent to the first tunnel to create a twin arch opening. This creates a pillar between the openings during the intermediate construction stage. The influence of excavating the side drift on the support of the first opening was studied. We found that the bolt forces in the pillar approximately doubled during the excavation of the side drift, which may have been due to the rock joint inclinations and adopted strength parameters. This paper shows how DEM analyses may be used to complement conventional empirical rock mass classifications to design rock supports. Limitations of the pressure relaxation approach to model 3D effects in 2D are acknowledged.


创新点:1. 基于平面应变假设, 提出一个针对性的离散元模型以分析侧边导坑的设置对主体隧道支撑的影响; 2. 此模型适用于解决底下长跨度开口的支撑设计问题,如大众捷运系统隧道和紧贴式双孔隧道的建造,补充了传统经验主义的设计方法.
方法:1. 采用离散元法对马蹄形隧道开口支撑问题进行非连续分析; 2. 采用二维平面应变模型简化问题.
结论:1. 离散元法可用于分析有限岩石覆盖层的失效机制,单隧道支撑要求以及增加侧边导坑后的支撑要求;2. 模型计算结果显示,侧边导坑的挖掘使得支柱总的螺栓连接作用力增加了一倍.

关键词:岩石覆盖层;双隧道;侧边导坑;支柱;离散 元法

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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