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Yan-xiang Yang


Bing-qian Tan


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.5 P.334-346


A T3 metering theory used for diesel exhaust fluid dosing and failure diagnosis in selective catalyst reduction dosing systems

Author(s):  Yan-xiang Yang, Bing-qian Tan, Chang-wen Liu, Ping Zhang, Qi-jiang Le, Ben-xi Zhang

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Internal Combustion Engines, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   tanbingqian@tju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) dosing unit, Plunger-sleeve pump, T3 metering theory, Sensor-free diagnosis

Yan-xiang Yang, Bing-qian Tan, Chang-wen Liu, Ping Zhang, Qi-jiang Le, Ben-xi Zhang. A T3 metering theory used for diesel exhaust fluid dosing and failure diagnosis in selective catalyst reduction dosing systems[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(5): 334-346.

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%T A T3 metering theory used for diesel exhaust fluid dosing and failure diagnosis in selective catalyst reduction dosing systems
%A Yan-xiang Yang
%A Bing-qian Tan
%A Chang-wen Liu
%A Ping Zhang
%A Qi-jiang Le
%A Ben-xi Zhang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%N 5
%P 334-346
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2019
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1800518

T1 - A T3 metering theory used for diesel exhaust fluid dosing and failure diagnosis in selective catalyst reduction dosing systems
A1 - Yan-xiang Yang
A1 - Bing-qian Tan
A1 - Chang-wen Liu
A1 - Ping Zhang
A1 - Qi-jiang Le
A1 - Ben-xi Zhang
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In this paper, a new dosing unit is presented for diesel exhaust fluid (DEF) dosing in combustion engine exhaust emission selective catalyst reduction (SCR) systems. The dosing unit is a plunger-sleeve pump nozzle system driven by a charged solenoid, and is pump-end controlled by pulse width modulation (PWM) signals. The core characteristics of the unit include both metering precision control and failure diagnosis methods. In this study, both physical-mathematical analysis and experiments were carried out. A so-called whole state t3 metering theory was developed by studying the system using a physical-mathematical model based on energy conservation. The study showed that the liquid discharge, which is associated with the plunger-sleeve relative position, correlates well with a measurable variable T3. Experimental investigations verified that the metering results were independent of the state variations in some range and that metering is controlled with high precision. Two typical DEF dosing systems based on the dosing unit and some specific failure modes are introduced. Significant variation of the parameter T3 in the T3 model is useful for the detection of specific failure modes.

This manuscript presents a model-based theory used for DEF dosing and failure diagnosis in SCR dosing system. The investigation is based on a plunger-sleeve pump nozzle system which is used for SCR. A measurable variable T3 can be well correlated with DEF amount in this paper. Moreover, the significant variation of parameter T3 in T3 model is also available for failure detection for this dosing unit. This manuscript elaborates the whole process of the modeling, which will be beneficial for future research.


创新点:1. 通过T3液体计量模型可实现套筒式柱塞泵的液体计量精度控制; 2. 通过T3模型中的T3等可测量参数可对部分典型故障进行OBD诊断.
方法:1. 建立能量方程和电学方程,并通过无量纲化处理,推导出套筒式柱塞泵单循环液体喷射量与T3参数关系的全状态方程; 2. 通过液体计量精度实验验证T3模型在环境状态变化时对液体计量精度控制的可靠性.
结论:1. 通过T3全状态模型,将电能与套筒泵单循环液体喷射量通过一个可测量的参数T3结合,可以实时进行喷射量反馈控制使套筒泵保持较高的喷射精度,且在环境变化(如电压或温度变化)时,仍能实现较高精度的控制. 2. 实验证明,通过T3等参数能对部分系统故障进行无传感器故障诊断,结合一定的控制逻辑可以满足OBD故障检测要求.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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