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Zhong-yang Luo


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.7 P.475-486


Determination of biomass-coal blending ratio by 14C measurement in co-firing flue gas

Author(s):  Yu-xing Tang, Zhong-yang Luo, Chun-jiang Yu, Jian-meng Cen, Qian-yuan Chen, Wen-nan Zhang

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   zyluo@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Biomass co-firing, Blending ratio determination, Radiocarbon, Benzene synthesis

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Yu-xing Tang, Zhong-yang Luo, Chun-jiang Yu, Jian-meng Cen, Qian-yuan Chen, Wen-nan Zhang. Determination of biomass-coal blending ratio by 14C measurement in co-firing flue gas[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(7): 475-486.

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%T Determination of biomass-coal blending ratio by 14C measurement in co-firing flue gas
%A Yu-xing Tang
%A Zhong-yang Luo
%A Chun-jiang Yu
%A Jian-meng Cen
%A Qian-yuan Chen
%A Wen-nan Zhang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 475-486
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T1 - Determination of biomass-coal blending ratio by 14C measurement in co-firing flue gas
A1 - Yu-xing Tang
A1 - Zhong-yang Luo
A1 - Chun-jiang Yu
A1 - Jian-meng Cen
A1 - Qian-yuan Chen
A1 - Wen-nan Zhang
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1900006

To verify the feasibility of using radiocarbon detection for the measurement of the biomass-coal blending ratio in co-firing heat and power plants, 14C activity detection technology that uses benzene synthesis as the sample preparation method and a liquid scintillation counter as the detection instrument was studied. A benzene synthesis system was built to enrich carbon in the combustion flue gas in the form of benzene. The benzene sample was mixed with scintillator (butyl-PBD) and 14C activity was measured using a liquid scintillation counter (Quantulus 1220). Three kinds of coal and six kinds of biomass were tested repeatedly. The measured 14C activity was 0.3365 DPM/gC in Zhundong lignite, 0.2701 DPM/gC in Shenmu bitumite, and 0.3060 DPM/gC in Changzhi anthracite. These values were much higher than the instrument background activity. For the co-fired experiment, we used groups with biomass ratios (based on the carbon) of 6.51%, 12.95%, and 20.75%. A modified empirical expression to determine the biomass, coal blending ratio based on the 14C activity measured in the co-firing flue gas, was proposed by analyzing and verifying measurement accuracy. From the 14C measurements of the co-fired samples, the corresponding estimated biomass ratios were (5.54±0.48)%, (12.31±0.67)%, and (19.49±0.90)%. The absolute measurement error was around 1% for a typical biomass-coal co-firing application.

Biomass-coal co-firing is an effective way to reducing CO2 emission. However the shortage of accurate measurement of biogenic feedstock hurdles its development esp.in China. In this paper, authors investigated 14C approach testing the flue gas. The research has great significance in application which is beneficial to promote the co-firing development.


目的:准确且可靠的生物质燃料掺混比例数据的缺失,阻碍了生物质/煤混燃发电技术在中国的发展. 本文旨在建立以14C法为基础的生物质掺混比例检测系统,并研究煤作为化石燃料的测试本底、不同生物质之间14C含量的差异以及苯合成工艺中引入的现代碳污染对测试精度的影响,以验证该方法在混燃电站中实际应用的可行性.
创新点:1. 建立并使用适用于在工业混燃电站中应用的计算方法; 2. 通过实验测试,获得了3种由制样过程污染产生的煤中14C含量; 3. 通过对实际过程的经验拟合,提出更为合理的污染修正公式.
方法:1. 自主搭建苯合成系统(图2),并以液体闪光计数技术为核心形成样品14C值测试体系; 2. 通过实验测试,获得6种生物质与3种煤的14C测试值(图3和4),并验证混燃测试的可行性(图5); 3. 通过公式推导,在考虑煤中14C含量后,更为合理地修正苯合成过程中引入的污染,以减小混燃测试的绝对误差(公式(9)).
结论:1. 光谱级纯苯的测试值为仪器的测试本底,而商用SrCO3制苯的测试值则反应了苯合成过程中引入的污染本底. 2. 对不同生物质的重复实验的测试值落点均在理论计算误差范围内,证明了实验中苯合成系统的可靠性. 3. 运用研究中建立的计算方法,获得了生物质混燃比例的测试值; 14C法应用于生物质/煤混燃电站的绝对测试误差在1%左右.

关键词:生物质混燃烧; 掺混比例测量; 放射性碳; 苯合成

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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