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Wei Huang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.10 P.781-793


Structural design and analysis of a composite wing with high aspect ratio

Author(s):  Yu-shan Meng, Li Yan, Wei Huang, Tian-tian Zhang, Zhao-bo Du

Affiliation(s):  College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, Hunan 410073, China

Corresponding email(s):   scarlet@163.com, gladrain2001@163.com

Key Words:  Composite, High-aspect-ratio wing, Structural design, Finite element static analysis

Yu-shan Meng, Li Yan, Wei Huang, Tian-tian Zhang, Zhao-bo Du. Structural design and analysis of a composite wing with high aspect ratio[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(10): 781-793.

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%T Structural design and analysis of a composite wing with high aspect ratio
%A Yu-shan Meng
%A Li Yan
%A Wei Huang
%A Tian-tian Zhang
%A Zhao-bo Du
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 781-793
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Tian-tian Zhang
A1 - Zhao-bo Du
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Wings with large aspect ratio have large bending moment and torque, so the poor flexural and torsional stiffness are noteworthy. The application of composite materials in wing structure can improve the performance of wing. In the design process of the wing with high aspect ratio, the design parameters of the wing are preliminarily set. Then, the wing configuration is determined according to the force characteristics referring to the indexes of the Predator unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), and on the basis of the composite material mechanics and finite element theory, the finite element model of the wing is designed as well. Next, we carry out the aerodynamic analysis in FLUENT. At last, we use ANSYS composite Pre/Post (ACP) module to establish the static analysis of the wing, and two improvement schemes are proposed to deal with the problem that the wing with high aspect ratio would encounter.


目的:大展弦比机翼具有弯矩较大、扭转刚度较差的特点.在机翼结构上利用复合材料能很好地改善机翼结构性能. 本文旨在设计一个满足刚度和强度要求的大展弦比复合材料机翼,并对大展弦比机翼遇到的大变形问题提出改进方案.
创新点:1. 通过流固耦合的方法对大展弦比机翼进行气动仿真和有限元静力分析; 2. 针对大展弦比机翼产生的大变形现象,提出增加机翼外挂或在翼尖处增加翼尖小翼的方法进行改进.
方法:1. 通过数值仿真建立机翼的有限元模型,并对机翼进行气动分析; 2. 通过流固耦合,将在FLUENT中的气动力加载到有限元静力分析模块进行分析; 3. 通过Workbench中的ACP复合材料专用模块,对复合材料结构进行铺层.
结论:1. 综合考虑刚度、强度以及减重效果,确定12 mm为本文大展弦比复合材料机翼的最佳蒙皮厚度; 2. 利用增加外挂的方法减小机翼大变形时,当外挂重心位置在机翼重心线前15%时机翼变形减小的程度最大; 3. 在翼尖处增加高度为300 mm的翼尖小翼时机翼变形减小程度最大. 4. 在相同受载情况下,相比于金属材料机翼,复合材料机翼结构能够有效减小机翼的翼尖最大位移和最大应力.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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