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Bin-bin Liao


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.1 P.36-49


Continuum damage modeling and progressive failure analysis of a Type III composite vessel by considering the effect of autofrettage

Author(s):  Bin-bin Liao, Dong-liang Wang, Li-yong Jia, Jin-yang Zheng, Chao-hua Gu

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Process Equipment, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   jyzh@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Composite vessel, Damage evolution behaviors, Hashin failure criteria, Finite element analysis (FEA)

Bin-bin Liao, Dong-liang Wang, Li-yong Jia, Jin-yang Zheng, Chao-hua Gu. Continuum damage modeling and progressive failure analysis of a Type III composite vessel by considering the effect of autofrettage[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(1): 36-49.

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journal="Journal of Zhejiang University Science A",
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%T Continuum damage modeling and progressive failure analysis of a Type III composite vessel by considering the effect of autofrettage
%A Bin-bin Liao
%A Dong-liang Wang
%A Li-yong Jia
%A Jin-yang Zheng
%A Chao-hua Gu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 20
%N 1
%P 36-49
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2019
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1800152

T1 - Continuum damage modeling and progressive failure analysis of a Type III composite vessel by considering the effect of autofrettage
A1 - Bin-bin Liao
A1 - Dong-liang Wang
A1 - Li-yong Jia
A1 - Jin-yang Zheng
A1 - Chao-hua Gu
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%@ 1673-565X
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1800152

This paper aims to study the damage mechanisms and mechanical responses of a Type III composite vessel by considering the effect of autofrettage. Firstly, damage models using hashin failure criteria and 3D strain-based damage evolution laws for composite layers are implemented by implicit finite element codes using ABAQUS-UMAT (user material subroutine module). Secondly, the appropriate autofrettage pressure is determined by finite element analysis (FEA), in which the fiber stress ratio and the generated residual stress in the aluminium liner are investigated according to the related regulations. Finally, the effects of the autofrettage process on the internal pressure-displacement curves and damage evolution behaviors for matrix and fiber are discussed. For a composite vessel after autofrettage, the stresses in the composite layers and aluminium liner are also explored. Results show that the progressive damage evolution behaviors of the composite vessel with autofrettage and without autofrettage are basically consistent except there is some difference during the unloading process and the repressurization process in respect of matrix damage.


目的:成型后的金属内胆复合材料气瓶,即III型复合材料气瓶(以下简称气瓶),需采用自紧工艺来提高疲劳寿命. 最佳自紧压力是自紧工艺的重要参数. 本文旨在建立确定最佳自紧压力和气瓶渐进失效的有限元方法,研究自紧后气瓶纤维和基体损伤演化规律,并探讨自紧后气瓶复合材料层和金属内衬层的应力变化.
创新点:1. 建立针对三维气瓶的Hashin失效准则和指数型损伤演化的渐进失效模型,并通过ABAQUS-UMAT隐式有限元方法确定气瓶最佳自紧压力; 2. 通过渐进失效分析,揭示自紧后的气瓶纤维和基体损伤的损伤演化规律,并阐明自紧对气瓶渐进失效的影响.
方法:1. 基于连续损伤力学,建立三维Hashin失效准则和指数型损伤演化的渐进失效理论模型; 2. 通过ABAUQS-UMAT二次开发用户子程序实现渐进失效理论模型,并开展气瓶渐进失效计算; 3. 通过平板拉伸算例以及与气瓶试验数据对比,验证模型的准确性.
结论:1. 基体损伤首先出现在螺旋层,而纤维损伤首先出现在环向层. 2. 除了自紧后的泄压阶段和自紧后重新加压至压力值等于自紧压力的升压阶段,有无自紧的气瓶损伤演化规律基本一致; 而在上述泄压和升压阶段,基体损伤保持不变,说明经过自紧后的气瓶在工作压力下存在基体损伤. 3. 当内压压力低于自紧压力时,自紧工艺才会影响气瓶应力分布; 且随着压力的升高,基体损伤不变,内衬应力减少,纤维应力增加; 此外,经过自紧的气瓶在工作压力下最大环向和轴向内衬应力减少且出现在筒体部分的两端.

关键词:复合材料气瓶; 损伤演化行为; Hashin失效准则; 有限元分析

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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