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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.7 P.535-552


Revisiting aerodynamic admittance functions of bridge decks

Author(s):  Lin Zhao, Xi Xie, Teng Wu, Shao-peng Li, Zhi-peng Li, Yao-jun Ge, Ahsan Kareem

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Disaster Reduction in Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   tengwu@buffalo.edu

Key Words:  Aerodynamic admittance function, Bridge deck, Buffeting analysis, Wind tunnel test, Sensitivity analysis

Lin Zhao, Xi Xie, Teng Wu, Shao-peng Li, Zhi-peng Li, Yao-jun Ge, Ahsan Kareem. Revisiting aerodynamic admittance functions of bridge decks[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(7): 535-552.

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%T Revisiting aerodynamic admittance functions of bridge decks
%A Lin Zhao
%A Xi Xie
%A Teng Wu
%A Shao-peng Li
%A Zhi-peng Li
%A Yao-jun Ge
%A Ahsan Kareem
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%N 7
%P 535-552
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%D 2020
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1900353

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A1 - Lin Zhao
A1 - Xi Xie
A1 - Teng Wu
A1 - Shao-peng Li
A1 - Zhi-peng Li
A1 - Yao-jun Ge
A1 - Ahsan Kareem
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1900353

A framework was proposed to identify a comprehensive set of aerodynamic admittance functions for bridge decks. The contributions of the cross-spectra between longitudinal and vertical wind velocity components and between turbulence components and gust-induced forces were embedded in the identification procedure. To facilitate application of the identified functions in engineering practice, the concept of an equivalent aerodynamic admittance function was introduced and numerically validated. The equivalent aerodynamic admittance functions of a set of streamlined and bluff cross sections were identified experimentally in a wind tunnel. buffeting analysis of a bridge deck was carried out and the response predicted using the identified aerodynamic admittance functions compared well with the measured response. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed to delineate the influence of aerodynamic and structural parameters on the buffeting response, thereby demonstrating the significance of the proposed identification framework.


方法:1. 提出一种考虑来流脉动风和气动力全部交叉分量贡献的全分量导纳函数的识别算法. 2. 利用风洞试验与数值分析结合的方法,对一组流线型和钝体断面的气动导纳进行验证. 3. 对一桥梁断面进行抖振响应分析,验证其等效气动导纳.
结论:1.通过数值计算,系统地验证了本文所提出的等效气动导纳函数具有较高的保真度. 2.风洞中流线型断面的等效气动导纳函数的辨识结果与随机子空间辨识方法的结果吻合良好. 3.通过对一组流线型和钝体断面进行气动导纳识别表明,某些断面的气动导纳高于基于准定常理论的所得值. 4.根据准定常理论下的气动导纳函数、Sears函数和实验验证的函数计算抖振响应并与风洞试验结果进行比较发现,对于流线型断面,采用Sears函数或等效气动导纳函数都是合理的,而用准定常理论得到的抖振响应则过于保守. 5.灵敏度分析表明,抖振响应对平均风速、气动导纳函数、静风力系数及其导数和颤振导数等参数非常敏感.

关键词:气动导纳函数; 桥梁断面; 抖振分析; 风洞试验; 灵敏度分析

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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