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Jian Guo


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.7 P.525-534


Dynamic response analysis of ship-bridge collisions experiment

Author(s):  Jian Guo, Jing-xuan He

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Bridge Engineering, Zhejiang University of Technology, Hangzhou 310023, China

Corresponding email(s):   guoj@zjut.edu.cn

Key Words:  Scaled model test, Ship collisions, Impact force, Wavelet packet analysis, Energy distribution

Jian Guo, Jing-xuan He. Dynamic response analysis of ship-bridge collisions experiment[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(7): 525-534.

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Over the past decades, there has been continual construction of sea-crossing bridges as the technology of transportation improves. The probability of bridge pier being subjected to more vehicular impact is also growing. This study performed scale model tests and analyzed a collision mechanism considering the non-navigable span of a sea-crossing bridge in East China Sea as an engineering background. Comparing the test results with the finite element calculations, the dynamic response of the sample bridge and local damages of the fragile components under impact force were evaluated. Subsequently, the time-frequency characteristics of the vibration signal were analyzed based on wavelet packet analysis, and the multi-resolution characteristics as well as energy distribution of the vibration signal were discussed. It was observed that the impact energy transferred from ship to pier during the period of collision distributed different frequency bands with varying characteristics. The main frequency band (0–62.5 Hz) contains more than 75% of the vibration energy. The analysis can provide a basis for structural damage identification after the collision and anti-collision design of bridges.


目的:1. 研究船撞桥过程中撞击力的大小; 2. 在船撞作用下,研究桥梁各结构的动力响应与脆弱部位; 3. 研究桥梁结构动力响应的频带特征以及能量分布.
创新点:1. 通过缩尺试验和高分辨率的有限元模型,探究船撞桥墩的碰撞机理; 2. 通过小波包分析方法,对缩尺试验的敏感部位的响应进行分析,探明其频带特性和能量分布.
方法:1. 通过试验分析和有限元模拟,找出桥墩的易损部位,并研究速度与船艏刚度对撞击力大小的影响; 2. 通过精细化的有限元模型,验证试验的准确性; 3. 在船撞作用下,探究敏感部位的动力响应; 4. 通过小波包分析,分解缩尺模型敏感部位的响应信号,并研究其频带特性和能量分布.
结论:1. 通过对不同撞击速度的船舶在碰撞时的冲击力和桥墩动力响应的研究表明,撞击力可由上升段和塑性段两个阶段来解释. 2. 当桥梁下部结构受到船舶撞击时,支座与梁体会产生滑移; 因此,在桥梁设计中应考虑船舶撞击引起落梁的可能. 3. 在船撞过程中,大部分能量被船艏的变形所吸收; 对于桥梁结构来说,大部分能量集中在桩基与支座. 4. 通过小波包分析可知,桥梁结构吸收的能量主要集中在低频段.

关键词:缩尺模型试验; 船撞桥墩; 冲击荷载; 小波包分析; 能量分布

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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