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Zhe-ming Tong


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.2 P.85-117


Internal flow structure, fault detection, and performance optimization of centrifugal pumps

Author(s):  Zhe-ming Tong, Jia-ge Xin, Shui-guang Tong, Zhong-qin Yang, Jian-yun Zhao, Jun-hua Mao

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   cetongsg@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Centrifugal pump, Two-phase flow, Cavitation, Pressure pulsation, Multi-objective optimization

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Zhe-ming Tong, Jia-ge Xin, Shui-guang Tong, Zhong-qin Yang, Jian-yun Zhao, Jun-hua Mao. Internal flow structure, fault detection, and performance optimization of centrifugal pumps[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(2): 85-117.

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%A Zhe-ming Tong
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%A Zhong-qin Yang
%A Jian-yun Zhao
%A Jun-hua Mao
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This review mainly summarizes the latest developments in the internal flow field and external characteristics of centrifugal pumps. In particular, the latest findings of centrifugal pumps focused on turbulence and cavitation models, flow visualization methods, and fault detection based on noise and vibration. The external characteristics, cavitation, and vibration of the centrifugal pump were extensively discussed. In addition, advanced multi-objective optimization methods for improving impeller’s efficiency and reducing net positive suction head (NPSH) were briefed. Although some progress was made in this field, there remain many unsolved problems, such as monitoring and modeling of cavitation, rotational stall phenomenon, and discrepancies between simulation and measurement. In the future, researchers are encouraged to employ multi-dimensional flow visualization technologies and high-performance computing facilities to advance existing understandings on these issues and create new research directions.

Centrifugal pumps are important mechanical equipment for energy conversion and fluid transportation. They are widely used in agricultural water conservancy construction, petrochemical industry, electric power industry, and etc. This paper is well written in general and discusses the latest developments in the internal flow field, performance optimization and fault detection. It is a topic of great importance.


创新点:1. 探讨了最新的用于离心泵数值模拟的湍流模型和空化模型的研究成果以及利用可视化方法揭示离心泵内部复杂流动现象的最新进展. 2. 对离心泵的外部特性、空化和振动进行了广泛的讨论,并总结出一种提高离心泵在工程应用中的效率和扬程、降低汽蚀余量的适用性强的离心泵叶轮多目标优化方法.
方法:1. 对离心泵的内部流动机理进行综述,以充分了解离心泵内部复杂的流场结构和能量损失机理. 2. 对离心泵外部特性进行研究,解释内部非定常流动与外部特性的耦合关系. 3. 介绍与离心泵在运行过程中压力脉动的监测和测量相关的最新研究进展. 4. 详细介绍优化离心泵性能的各种方法和措施.
结论:1. 尽管对离心泵内部流动现象机理及流场结构的研究已经取得了一定进展,但研究中仍存在一些亟待解决的问题,如初生空化的监测与预防、泵内旋转失速现象发生发展的规律、数值模拟和实验之间不可忽视的数据差异等. 2. 针对这些问题,开发高精度的计算流体动力学仿真模型,结合关键过流部件的优化设计来减少流动不稳定性和提高性能,以及运用现代流动显示技术的最新设备进行大量的仔细繁杂的试验与测量工作,是非常必要和重要的,也是未来泵内流动研究的趋势.

关键词:离心泵; 气液两相流; 空化机理; 压力脉动; 多目标优化

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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