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Kai Chen


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2020 Vol.21 No.8 P.673-683


Comparison of geomagnetic aided navigation algorithms for hypersonic vehicles

Author(s):  Kai Chen, Wen-chao Liang, Ming-xin Liu, Han-yan Sun

Affiliation(s):  School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China

Corresponding email(s):   chenkai@nwpu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Geomagnetic navigation, Contour, Geomagnetic elements, Integrated navigation, Kalman filter

Kai Chen, Wen-chao Liang, Ming-xin Liu, Han-yan Sun. Comparison of geomagnetic aided navigation algorithms for hypersonic vehicles[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2020, 21(8): 673-683.

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%T Comparison of geomagnetic aided navigation algorithms for hypersonic vehicles
%A Kai Chen
%A Wen-chao Liang
%A Ming-xin Liu
%A Han-yan Sun
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 673-683
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%D 2020
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Kai Chen
A1 - Wen-chao Liang
A1 - Ming-xin Liu
A1 - Han-yan Sun
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In this paper, we simulate, verify, and compare the performance of three classical geomagnetic matching aided navigation algorithms to assess their applicability to hypersonic vehicle navigation. Firstly, we introduce the various sources of the geomagnetic field. Secondly, we describe the principles and processes of the geomagnetic contour matching (MAGCOM) algorithm, iterative closest contour point (ICCP) algorithm, and Sandia inertial magnetic aided navigation (SIMAN) algorithm. Thirdly, we discuss the principles of inertial/geomagnetic integrated navigation, and propose the state and observation equations of integrated navigation. Finally, we perform a simulation of inertial/geomagnetic integrated navigation on the hypersonic boost-glide vehicle trajectory. The simulation results indicate that the real-time performance of the SIMAN algorithm can be optimized such that the matching accuracy is higher than that of the other two algorithms. At the same time, the SIMAN algorithm can achieve better stability, and though the amount of measurement noise can be larger, it can still achieve good positioning accuracy.


目的:验证三种经典的地磁匹配辅助导航算法在临近空间高超声速飞行器导航中的适用性. 探讨和比较地磁轮廓匹配(MAGCOM)、沿等值线最近点迭代(ICCP)和桑迪亚地磁辅助导航(SIMAN)算法在助推-滑翔高超声速飞行器导航中的实时性、稳定性和定位精度.
方法:1. 分析地球磁场组成部分的时变特性,并选取地球主磁场作为地磁匹配辅助导航的地磁基准图. 2. 根据三种地磁匹配算法的原理,分别总结出三种算法的流程和步骤; 根据惯性/地磁组合导航的原理,给出组合导航的状态方程和观测方程. 3. 根据世界地磁场模型(WMM)得出地磁基准图,并在简化的助推-滑翔飞行器弹道上对三种算法在不同的磁误差条件下进行仿真验证和比较.
结论:1. 在磁误差很小的情况下,SIMAN算法和MAGCOM算法的定位精度都很高; 在磁误差较大的情况下,SIMAN算法的精度最高. 2. SIMAN算法的稳定性最好,而MAGCOM算法的稳定性最差. 3. SIMAN算法的实时性最好,而ICCP算法的实时性最差.

关键词:地磁导航; 等值线; 地磁要素; 组合导航; 卡尔曼滤波

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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