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Wei-qiu Chen


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2019 Vol.20 No.4 P.305-310


Research laboratory on the mechanics of smart materials and structures, Zhejiang University

Author(s):  Jian Li, Chun-li Zhang, Rong-hao Bao, Wei-qiu Chen

Affiliation(s):  Key Laboratory of Soft Machines and Smart Devices of Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   chenwq@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Smart Materials and Structures, Multi-field coupling, Intelligent device

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Jian Li, Chun-li Zhang, Rong-hao Bao, Wei-qiu Chen. Research laboratory on the mechanics of smart materials and structures, Zhejiang University[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2019, 20(4): 305-310.

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The Research Laboratory on the Mechanics of smart Materials and Structures (MS2 Laboratory) focuses on understanding the mechanisms underlying the experimentally or numerically observed phenomena of smart materials and intelligent structures, so as to enrich the knowledge for the development of advanced functional devices, machines, and robots. Particular attention is paid to the multi-field coupling behaviors of a variety of high-performance materials (e.g. piezoelectric materials, multiferroic composites, quasicrystals, piezoelectric semiconductors, and dielectric elastomers) and their effects on the structural responses. Free vibration, wave propagation, and instability of structures made of these smart materials are among the most important topics in the laboratory. Although analytical methods are concentrated upon, both experimental and numerical approaches are also widely explored for the research tasks that are carried out.


目的:如今新兴的智能化时代比以往任何时候都更需要性能优越的材料和结构来设计更灵活、更主动、更自动化的机器和系统,以应对越来越复杂的环境. 本实验室力图探求智能材料与结构在实验或计算中观测到的力学现象(如自由振动、波传播以及结构失稳等)或是多场耦合行为背后的机理,从而为先进功能设备、机械以及机器人的创新发展提供参考. 最终,开发具有卓越性能的新型智能多功能器件,以满足各种实验室、工业甚至社会应用的特殊或一般要求.
研究点:1. 智能结构的振动与失稳分析; 2. 软材料的设计与制备; 3. 声子晶体和超材料中弹性波的调控; 4. 智能材料和结构中的多场耦合行为分析; 5. 压电、多铁性以及压电电子学器件的研发; 6. 多轴力/力矩智能传感器的设计.
展望:虽然对智能材料和结构的研究已有近40年的历史,且其在许多现代技术和工程领域中已有了成功的应用,但是即将到来的智能化时代对"智能力学"的需求将是无穷无尽的. 如果说传感器和驱动器是智能化时代的基础,那么智能材料和结构就是这些基本设备的核心. 新型多功能材料的开发显然为智能材料和结构力学带来了新的生机和活力. 此外,拓扑物理学等新的科学概念也将为智能材料和结构的研究开辟新的方向. 本实验室将继续为基础科学、技术发展以及智能材料和结构的实际应用做出贡献.

关键词:智能材料和结构力学; 多场耦合; 智能器件; 智能力学

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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