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Gong-quan Tao


Xiao-long Liu


Ze-feng Wen


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2021 Vol.22 No.1 P.70-84


Formation process, key influencing factors, and countermeasures of high-order polygonal wear of locomotive wheels

Author(s):  Gong-quan Tao, Xiao-long Liu, Ze-feng Wen, Xue-song Jin

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China

Corresponding email(s):   zfwen@home.swjtu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Locomotive, Polygonal wear, Wheelset dynamic analysis, Wheel re-profiling

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Gong-quan Tao, Xiao-long Liu, Ze-feng Wen, Xue-song Jin. Formation process, key influencing factors, and countermeasures of high-order polygonal wear of locomotive wheels[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2021, 22(1): 70-84.

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%T Formation process, key influencing factors, and countermeasures of high-order polygonal wear of locomotive wheels
%A Gong-quan Tao
%A Xiao-long Liu
%A Ze-feng Wen
%A Xue-song Jin
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Xiao-long Liu
A1 - Ze-feng Wen
A1 - Xue-song Jin
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Two types of high power alternating current (AC) locomotive in China are prone to serious high-order polygonal wear, which has significant negative effects on the operation of locomotives. This study investigates factors influencing polygonal wear in locomotive wheels and determines methods of minimizing operation damage. We designed experiments to analyze the process of polygonization formation of wheels to identify the key influencing factors, finding that natural vibration of wheelsets is the central inherent factor of wheel polygonization and that these vibrations can be easily stimulated by wheel or rail irregularities. We found that poor re-profiling quality is the key external factor in these irregularities. The wheelset bending resonance is activated when the remaining wheel polygonal wear has a wavelength of 200 mm in the 1/3 octave band, in turn leading to significant increases of wheel polygonal wear. In this study, we review a new wheelset design that can mitigate and/or eliminate the polygonal wheel wear due to increased stiffness in wheel bending. We evaluate the potential capacity of the newly designed wheelset and propose two proven effective measures to further improve the wheel re-profiling quality for polygonal wear.


创新点:1. 揭示了机车车轮多边形磨耗的形成过程,并明确了其关键影响因素;2. 对轮对结构进行改进设计来抑制车轮多边形磨耗,并从数值仿真的角度对其效果进行了验证.
方法:1. 通过总结试验测试结果,明确车轮多边形磨耗的形成过程和关键影响因素(图2);2. 通过轮对试验模态和数值模态分析,掌握轮对的模态特性(图4和6);3. 通过轮对动力响应分析,验证轮对结构改进设计对抑制车轮多边形磨耗的效果(图8和12);4. 通过理论推导,分析不落轮镟修不能有效消除车轮多边形磨耗的原因(公式(1)~(6)).
结论:1. 轮对弯曲振动是导致车轮形成高阶多边形磨耗的内在因素,而较差的车轮镟修效果是车轮多边形磨耗发展较快的外在因素;2. 车轮横向刚度较低,容易导致轮对固有振动被轮轨不平顺激发,从而对车轮多边形磨耗的形成产生重要影响;3. 改变轮对镟修时的固定方式,或者改变镟床驱动轮间距可以有效提升车轮镟修质量;4. 通过提高车轮横向刚度,改变轮对固有振动特性,理论上能有效缓解车轮多边形磨耗的形成.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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