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Wei-jie Fan


Jin Zhou


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2021 Vol.22 No.7 P.547-563


Effects of the geometrical parameters of the injection nozzle on ethylene-air continuous rotating detonation

Author(s):  Wei-jie Fan, Jin Zhou, Shi-jie Liu, Hao-yang Peng

Affiliation(s):  Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory, College of Aerospace Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China

Corresponding email(s):   zj706@vip.sina.com

Key Words:  Continuous rotating detonation (CRD), Ethylene-air, Injection nozzle, Feedback pressure

Wei-jie Fan, Jin Zhou, Shi-jie Liu, Hao-yang Peng. Effects of the geometrical parameters of the injection nozzle on ethylene-air continuous rotating detonation[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2021, 22(7): 547-563.

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%T Effects of the geometrical parameters of the injection nozzle on ethylene-air continuous rotating detonation
%A Wei-jie Fan
%A Jin Zhou
%A Shi-jie Liu
%A Hao-yang Peng
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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Compared with traditional isobaric combustion, continuous rotating detonation (CRD) has been theoretically proved to be a more efficient combustion mode with higher thermal cycle efficiency. However, the realization and stable operating of liquid kerosene detonation is still a challenge. As a major component of kerosene pyrolysis products after regenerative cooling, ethylene is a transitional hydrocarbon fuel from kerosene to hydrogen and it is worth studying. In this paper, a series of 2D numerical simulations are conducted to investigate the effects of the injection nozzle on the ethylene-air CRD. Three geometrical parameters of the nozzle are thoroughly tested including the distance between two neighboring nozzle centers, the nozzle exit width, and the slant angle of the nozzle. The results show that an ethylene-air detonation wave is realized and it propagates stably. A small distance between two neighboring nozzle centers is conducive to improving the strength of the CRD wave and leads to greater feedback pressure into the plenum. As the nozzle exit width increases, the strength of the CRD wave and the feedback pressure into the plenum both increase. The CRD wave propagation velocity is greatly improved and the feedback pressure into the plenum is significantly reduced when the slant angle of the nozzle is positive. By contrast, a sizeable reduction in velocity is found when the angle is negative. The co-rotating two-wave propagation mode is observed when the angle is 30°, and the highest CRD propagation velocity and the lowest feedback pressure are both obtained when the angle is 60°.


创新点:1. 采用含积气腔和喷孔的喷注模型进行乙烯-空气连续旋转爆震波的数值仿真,观察到了爆震波的模态转换过程并定量分析了爆震波对积气腔的反馈压力;2. 通过改变喷孔的倾斜角,在提高爆震波传播速度的同时减小了积气腔内的反馈压力.
方法:1. 通过FLUENT进行数值仿真,分析乙烯-空气连续旋转爆震波的基本流场结构(图7和9)和爆震波传播模态的转换过程(图17).2. 通过在积气腔和燃烧室内设置压力监测点,得到积气腔和燃烧室内的压力记录曲线(图8、10、13、14、18和20);通过压力曲线,计算爆震波的平均传播速度和积气腔内压力的相对标准差.3. 通过对比分析,总结喷孔几何参数对爆震波传播速度和积气腔内反馈压力的影响(图11、15和19).
结论:1. 喷孔间距对连续旋转爆震波的强度和积气腔的反馈压力都有影响;较小的喷孔间距有助于提高爆震波的强度,但也会引起积气腔内更高的反馈压力.2. 随着喷孔出口宽度的增大,爆震波的强度增强,也使积气腔内的反馈压力显著增加.3. 喷孔倾斜角对爆震波的传播特性和积气腔内的反馈压力有重要影响:当喷孔沿爆震波传播方向倾斜时,爆震波的传播速度明显提高;反之,爆震波的传播速度明显降低.采用倾斜喷注时,积气腔内的反馈压力显著降低,并且喷管倾斜程度越大,积气腔内的压力越稳定.4. 倾斜喷注可以引起爆震波传播模态的转变;当倾斜角为30°时,出现了同向双波传播模态.5. 预着火产生的热点和预混气沿爆震波传播方向的分速度有利于形成新的爆震波.


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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