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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2009 Vol.10 No.2 P.133-141


ISSR markers based on GA and AG repeats reveal genetic relationship among rice varieties tolerant to drought, flood, or salinity

Author(s):  Ch Surendhar REDDY, A. Prasad BABU, B.P. Mallikarjuna SWAMY, K. KALADHAR, N. SARLA

Affiliation(s):  Biotechnology Laboratory, Crop Improvement Section, Directorate of Rice Research, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad 500030, India

Corresponding email(s):   sarla_neelamraju@yahoo.com, nsarla@drricar.org

Key Words:  Drought, Submergence, Salinity, Inter-simple sequence repeat-polymerase chain reaction (ISSR-PCR), (GA)8YG, Nagina22 (N22), FR13A, Pokkali

Ch Surendhar REDDY, A. Prasad BABU, B.P. Mallikarjuna SWAMY, K. KALADHAR, N. SARLA. ISSR markers based on GA and AG repeats reveal genetic relationship among rice varieties tolerant to drought, flood, or salinity[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2009, 10(2): 133-141.

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%T ISSR markers based on GA and AG repeats reveal genetic relationship among rice varieties tolerant to drought, flood, or salinity
%A Ch Surendhar REDDY
%A A. Prasad BABU
%A B.P. Mallikarjuna SWAMY
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%P 133-141
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B0820183

T1 - ISSR markers based on GA and AG repeats reveal genetic relationship among rice varieties tolerant to drought, flood, or salinity
A1 - Ch Surendhar REDDY
A1 - A. Prasad BABU
A1 - B.P. Mallikarjuna SWAMY
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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drought, flood, salinity, or a combination of these limits rice production. Several rice varieties are well known for their tolerance to specific abiotic stresses. We determined genetic relationship among 12 rice varieties including 9 tolerant to drought, flood, or salinity using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. Based on all markers, the nine tolerant varieties formed one cluster distinct from the cluster of three control varieties. The salt-tolerant varieties were closest to two flood-tolerant varieties, and together they were distinct from the drought-tolerant varieties. (GA)8YG was the most informative primer, showing the highest polymorphic information content (PIC) and resolving power (Rp). The drought-, flood-, and salt-tolerant varieties grouped in three distinct clusters within the group of tolerant varieties, when (GA)8YG was used. Sabita was the only exception. The two aus varieties, Nagina22 and FR13A, were separated and grouped with the drought- and flood-tolerant varieties, respectively, but they were together in dendrograms based on other primers. The results show that ISSR markers associated with (GA)8YG delineated the three groups of stress-tolerant varieties from each other and can be used to identify genes/new alleles associated with the three abiotic stresses in rice germplasm.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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