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Ya-qian Li


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2016 Vol.17 No.8 P.619-627


Statistical culture-based strategies to enhance chlamydospore production by Trichoderma harzianum SH2303 in liquid fermentation

Author(s):  Ya-qian Li, Kai Song, Ya-chai Li, Jie Chen

Affiliation(s):  School of Agriculture and Biology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   lauren@sjtu.edu.cn, jiechen59@sjtu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Trichoderma harzianum SH2303, Chlamydospore, Plackett-Burman screening, Box-Behnken design, Fermentation optimization

Ya-qian Li, Kai Song, Ya-chai Li, Jie Chen. Statistical culture-based strategies to enhance chlamydospore production by Trichoderma harzianum SH2303 in liquid fermentation[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2016, 17(8): 619-627.

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%T Statistical culture-based strategies to enhance chlamydospore production by Trichoderma harzianum SH2303 in liquid fermentation
%A Ya-qian Li
%A Kai Song
%A Ya-chai Li
%A Jie Chen
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%D 2016
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - Statistical culture-based strategies to enhance chlamydospore production by Trichoderma harzianum SH2303 in liquid fermentation
A1 - Ya-qian Li
A1 - Kai Song
A1 - Ya-chai Li
A1 - Jie Chen
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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Trichoderma-based formulations are applied as commercial biocontrol agents for soil-borne plant pathogens. chlamydospores are active propagules in Trichoderma spp., but their production is currently limited due to a lack of optimal liquid fermentation technology. In this study, we explored response surface methodologies for optimizing fermentation technology in Trichoderma SH2303. Our initial studies, using the Plackett-Burman design, identified cornmeal, glycerol, and initial pH levels as the most significant factors (P<0.05) for enhancing the production of chlamydospores. Subsequently, we applied the box-Behnken design to study the interactions between, and optimal levels of, a number of factors in chlamydospore production. These statistically predicted results indicated that the highest number of chlamydospores (3.6×108 spores/ml) would be obtained under the following condition: corn flour 62.86 g/L, glycerol 7.54 ml/L, pH 4.17, and 6-d incubation in liquid fermentation. We validated these predicted values via three repeated experiments using the optimal culture and achieved maximum chlamydospores of 4.5×108 spores/ml, which approximately a 8-fold increase in the number of chlamydospores produced by T. harzianum SH2303 compared with that before optimization. These optimized values could help make chlamydospore production cost-efficient in the future development of novel biocontrol agents.


目的:鉴于厚垣孢子为主要活性成分的木霉菌剂具有 抗逆性强、存活期长、易贮藏等特点,更容易满足实际生产需求,本文利用系统的液体发酵策略,优化木霉菌高产厚垣孢子液体发酵条件,同时降低发酵成本,指导未来木霉菌厚垣孢子生防菌剂研发。
方法:以玉米粉为基础培养基,通过Plackett-Burman筛选实验,从8个候选的发酵因子中初步确定玉米粉、甘油和发酵液起始pH值三个显著因子。进而利用响应面中的Box-Behnken设计(表5)三个因素为自变量,厚垣孢子产量为响应值,通过Design Expert 7.0软件对实验数据进行多项式回归分析,建立多元二次回归方程。通过方差分析,最终确定木霉菌SH2303高产厚垣孢子液体发酵工艺的最佳参数。
结论:确定了影响厚垣孢子形成的三个关键的发酵因子:玉米粉、甘油和起始pH值。获得厚垣孢子形成最佳的液体发酵条件:玉米粉62.86 g/L,甘油 7.54 ml/L,起始pH 4.17,发酵6天。实际最大厚垣孢子产量4.5×108 孢子/ml,与模型预测值3.6×108 孢子/ml相当。厚垣孢子产量与优化前相比提高8倍,可用于指导低成本的木霉菌厚垣孢子新型生防菌剂开发。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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