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Yang GUO


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE C 2014 Vol.15 No.12 P.1087-1097


A new parallel meshing technique integrated into the conformal FDTD method for solving complex electromagnetic problems

Author(s):  Yang Guo, Xiang-hua Wang, Jun Hu

Affiliation(s):  Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic Research, State Key Lab of MOI, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China

Corresponding email(s):   guoyang@coer-zju.org, hujun@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), Meshing, Parallel, Function language, Surface current distribution

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Yang Guo, Xiang-hua Wang, Jun Hu. A new parallel meshing technique integrated into the conformal FDTD method for solving complex electromagnetic problems[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science C, 2014, 15(12): 1087-1097.

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%T A new parallel meshing technique integrated into the conformal FDTD method for solving complex electromagnetic problems
%A Yang Guo
%A Xiang-hua Wang
%A Jun Hu
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%P 1087-1097
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A1 - Xiang-hua Wang
A1 - Jun Hu
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A new efficient parallel finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) meshing algorithm, based on the ray tracing technique, is proposed in this paper. This algorithm can be applied to construct various FDTD meshes, such as regular and conformal ones. The Microsoft F# language is used for the algorithm coding, where all variables are unchangeable with its parallelization advantage being fully exploited. An improved conformal FDTD algorithm, also integrated with an improved surface current algorithm, is presented to simulate some complex 3D models, such as a sphere ball made of eight different materials, a tank, a J-10 aircraft, and an aircraft carrier with 20 aircrafts. Both efficiency and capability of the developed parallel FDTD algorithm are validated. The algorithm is applied to characterize the induced surface current distribution on an aircraft or a warship.


针对电大尺寸复杂模型实现一种高效并行剖分技术,并结合高阶共形FDTD方法,用于求解其时域电磁响应。 提出一种基于射线追踪原理的新型FDTD网格剖分算法,并利用函数语言的天然并行优势实现剖分过程的高效并行实现。 首先,提出一种基于射线追踪的网格剖分方法的原理,并与传统基于原点探测的剖分方法进行比较,证明其具有更高的准确性和效能。其次,分析该方法的可并行特征,并提出一种基于函数语言的并行实现方案。对一个电大金属球的雷达散射界面(RCS)仿真,证明该方法的准确性(图8)。并对多种不同处理器核数情况进行测试,证明该方法具有较高的并行效率(表2)。最后,结合使用高阶共形FDTD方法,成功模拟了战斗机、坦克和航母甲板的表面电流分布问题(图10-12)。 针对电大尺寸复杂模型,实现其高效并行剖分,并利用高阶共形FDTD技术成功求解其时域电磁响应和表面电流分布。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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