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Cong-cong Luan


Xin-hua Yao


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2017 Vol.18 No.6 P.443-453


Research on transmission performance of a surface acoustic wave sensing system used in manufacturing environment monitoring

Author(s):  Cong-cong Luan, Xin-hua Yao, Qiu-yue Chen, Jian-zhong Fu

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Fluid Power and Mechatronic Systems, College of Mechanical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   yaoxinhuazju@foxmail.com

Key Words:  Transmission performance, Surface acoustic wave (SAW), Sensor, Manufacturing environment, Monitoring

Cong-cong Luan, Xin-hua Yao, Qiu-yue Chen, Jian-zhong Fu. Research on transmission performance of a surface acoustic wave sensing system used in manufacturing environment monitoring[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2017, 18(6): 443-453.

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%T Research on transmission performance of a surface acoustic wave sensing system used in manufacturing environment monitoring
%A Cong-cong Luan
%A Xin-hua Yao
%A Qiu-yue Chen
%A Jian-zhong Fu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 18
%N 6
%P 443-453
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%D 2017
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Cong-cong Luan
A1 - Xin-hua Yao
A1 - Qiu-yue Chen
A1 - Jian-zhong Fu
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors show great promise in monitoring fast-rotating or moving machinery in manufacturing environments, and have several advantages in the measurement of temperature, torque, pressure, and strain because of their passive and wireless capability. However, very few studies have systematically attempted to evaluate the characteristics of SAW sensors in a metal environment and rotating structures, both of which are common in machine tools. Simulation of the influence of the metal using CST software and a series of experiments with an SAW temperature sensor in real environments were designed to investigate the factors that affect transmission performance, including antenna angles, orientations, rotation speeds, and a metallic plate, along with the interrogator antenna–SAW sensor antenna separation distance. Our experimental measurements show that the sensor’s optimal placement in manufacturing environments should take into account all these factors in order to maintain system measurement and data transmission capability. As the first attempt to systematically investigate the transmission characteristics of the SAW sensor used in manufacturing environment, this study aims to guide users of SAW sensor applications and encourage more research in the field of wireless passive SAW sensors in monitoring applications.

The manuscript deals with an investigation of the transmission performances of SAW-based wireless sensing systems. The matter is of scientific inrerest, even though the authors analyze only a few mechanisms responsible of the degradation of the device response.


创新点:1. 揭示了金属件和传感器之间不同相对位置和距离对传感系统测量和通信性能的影响;2. 分析了机械结构旋转运动中影响传感系统通信性能的因素,为传感器结构设计和配置优化提供了参考依据。
方法:1. 通过仿真计算,研究金属件对声表面波传感系统的影响;2. 实验研究金属环境及旋转运动中影响声表面波传感系统通信性能的关键因素。
结论:1. 金属环境对声表面波传感系统有重要影响,传输天线下方的金属能够增强系统传输功率,但平行于天线附近的金属会削弱传输功率;2. 质询器天线与传感器天线的相对夹角对传感器通信性能有重要影响;3. 安装位置对传感器测量性能和信号传输功率均有显著影响;4. 动态实验证明了声表面波传感系统应用于主轴温度监测的可 行性。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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