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Citations:  Bibtex RefMan EndNote GB/T7714


Meijin GUO




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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2022 Vol.23 No.7 P.564-577


High-throughput “read-on-ski” automated imaging and label-free detection system for toxicity screening of compounds using personalised human kidney organoids

Author(s):  Qizheng WANG, Jun LU, Ke FAN, Yiwei XU, Yucui XIONG, Zhiyong SUN, Man ZHAI, Zhizhong ZHANG, Sheng ZHANG, Yan SONG, Jianzhong LUO, Mingliang YOU, Meijin GUO, Xiao ZHANG

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Bioreactor Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology,Shanghai200237,China; more

Corresponding email(s):   zhang_xiao@gibh.ac.cn, guo_mj@ecust.edu.cn

Key Words:  Kidney organoid, High-throughput microscopy, Nephrotoxicity, Machine learning

Organoid models are used to study kidney physiology, such as the assessment of nephrotoxicity and underlying disease processes. Personalized human pluripotent stem cell-derived kidney organoids are ideal models for compound toxicity studies, but there is a need to accelerate basic and translational research in the field. Here, we developed an automated continuous imaging setup with the “read-on-ski” law of control to maximize temporal resolution with minimum culture plate vibration. High-accuracy performance was achieved: organoid screening and imaging were performed at a spatial resolution of 1.1 μm for the entire multi-well plate under 3 min. We used the in-house developed multi-well spinning device and cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity model to evaluate the toxicity in kidney organoids using this system. The acquired images were processed via machine learning-based classification and segmentation algorithms, and the toxicity in kidney organoids was determined with 95% accuracy. The results obtained by the automated “read-on-ski” imaging device, combined with label-free and non-invasive algorithms for detection, were verified using conventional biological procedures. Taking advantage of the close-to-in vivo-kidney organoid model, this new development opens the door for further application of scaled-up screening using organoids in basic research and drug discovery.

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