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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2021 Vol.4 No.4 P.776-789


Utility ofTPP?manufactured biophysical restrictions toprobe multiscale cellular dynamics

Author(s):  PanyuFei, HaiboDing, YuDuan, XinyiWang, WeiHu, PengWu, MengxiaoWei, ZhengchunPeng

Affiliation(s):  Department ofCardiology oftheSecond Afliated Hospital andDepartment ofCell Biology, Zhejiang University School ofMedicine, Hangzhou310058, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   zcpeng@szu.edu.cn, gu@seu.edu.cn, jackweichen@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Micro-fence, Multiscale, Protein difusion, Nucleus mechanical bending, Cell-climbing ability

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PanyuFei, HaiboDing, YuDuan, XinyiWang, WeiHu, PengWu, MengxiaoWei, ZhengchunPeng. Utility ofTPP?manufactured biophysical restrictions toprobe multiscale cellular dynamics[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2021, 4(4): 776-789.

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%T Utility ofTPP?manufactured biophysical restrictions toprobe multiscale cellular dynamics
%A PanyuFei
%A HaiboDing
%A YuDuan
%A XinyiWang
%A WeiHu
%A PengWu
%A MengxiaoWei
%A ZhengchunPeng
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE D
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%P 776-789
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%D 2021
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1007/s42242-021-00163-2

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A1 - PanyuFei
A1 - HaiboDing
A1 - YuDuan
A1 - XinyiWang
A1 - WeiHu
A1 - PengWu
A1 - MengxiaoWei
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Biophysical restrictions regulate protein difusion, nucleus deformation, and cell migration, which are all universal and important processes for cells to perform their biological functions. However, current technologies addressing these multiscale questions are extremely limited. Herein, through two-photon polymerization (TPP), we present the precise, low-cost, and multiscale microstructures (micro-fences) as a versatile investigating platform. With nanometer-scale printing resolution and multiscale scanning capacity, TPP is capable of generating micro-fences with sizes of 0.51000?m. These microfences are utilized as biophysical restrictions to determine the fuidity of supported lipid bilayers (SLB), to investigate the restricted difusion of Src family kinase protein Lck on SLB, and also to reveal the mechanical bending of cell nucleus and T cell climbing ability. Taken together, the proposed versatile and low-cost micro-fences have great potential in probing the restricted dynamics of molecules, organelles, and cells to understand the basics of physical biology.

浙江大学陈伟等 | 双光子打印的3D微栅格网络研究多尺度的细胞动态生命活动

本研究论文聚焦利用双光子打印技术(TPP)打印微栅格3D结构(微栅格网络)研究多尺度的细胞动态生命活动。微栅格网络大小约1000 μm×1000 μm,网络由尺寸为15 μm×15 μm×1 μm(长×宽×高)的栅格单元组成。与现有研究中通过激光雕刻并填充金属的方法(EBL)相比,由TPP直接3D打印的微栅格网络具有时间快、成本低、工艺简单和功能多样化四大优势。本研究应用微栅格网络研究了细胞膜的动态流动、膜蛋白的限制性运动、细胞核的力学形变和细胞的跨障碍迁移等多尺度的细胞动态生命活动。本研究应用TPP打印的微栅格3D结构在生物物理学、材料学和生物力学领域具有广阔的应用空间。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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