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Bio-Design and Manufacturing  2021 Vol.4 No.2 P.311-343


3D printed microfluidic devices: a review focused on four fundamental manufacturing approaches and implications on the field of healthcare

Author(s):  Viraj Mehta & Subha N. Rath

Affiliation(s):  Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells Laboratory, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, Kandi, Telangana 502285, India

Corresponding email(s):   subharath@bme.iith.ac.in

Key Words:  3D printing, Additive manufacturing, Microfluidics, Lab-on-a-chip, Organ-on-a-chip, Tumor-on-a-chip

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Viraj Mehta & Subha N. Rath. 3D printed microfluidic devices: a review focused on four fundamental manufacturing approaches and implications on the field of healthcare[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science D, 2021, 4(2): 311-343.

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In the last few years, 3D printing has emerged as a promising alternative for the fabrication of microfluidic devices, overcoming some of the limitations associated with conventional soft-lithography. Stereolithography (SLA), extrusion-based technology, and inkjet 3D printing are three of the widely used 3D printing technologies owing to their accessibility and affordability. Microfluidic devices can be 3D printed by employing a manufacturing approach from four fundamental manufacturing approaches classified as (1) direct printing approach, (2) mold-based approach, (3) modular approach, and (4) hybrid approach. To evaluate the feasibility of 3D printing technologies for fabricating microfluidic devices, a review focused on 3D printing fundamental manufacturing approaches has been presented. Using a broad spectrum of additive manufacturing materials, 3D printed microfluidic devices have been implemented in various fields, including biological, chemical, and material synthesis. However, some crucial challenges are associated with the same, including low resolution, low optical transparency, cytotoxicity, high surface roughness, autofluorescence, non-compatibility with conventional sterilization methods, and low gas permeability. The recent research progress in materials related to additive manufacturing has aided in overcoming some of these challenges. Lastly, we outline possible implications of 3D printed microfluidics on the various fields of healthcare such as in vitro disease modeling and organ modeling, novel drug development, personalized treatment for cancer, and cancer drug screening by discussing the current state and future outlook of 3D printed ‘organs-on-chips,’ and 3D printed ‘tumor-on-chips.’ We conclude the review by highlighting future research directions in this field.

印度Rath等 | 3D打印微流控设备:聚焦四种基本制造方法及其对医疗保健领域的影响综述

在过去的几年中,3D打印克服了传统软光刻技术的局限,已经成为制造微流控装置的一个极具前景的替代方案。基于此,BDM 2021年第2期发表了来自印度Rath等的综述论文《3D打印微流控设备:聚焦四种基本制造方法及其对医疗保健领域的影响综述》。文中介绍了利用3D打印构建微流控装置的四种基本制造方法,以及面临的关键挑战和最新进展。通过讨论3D打印芯片器官的现状和前景,概述了3D打印微流技术在医疗保健各个领域的影响,展望了该领域未来的研究方向。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article

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