CLC number: TN929.5
On-line Access: 2025-01-24
Received: 2024-07-08
Revision Accepted: 2024-10-25
Crosschecked: 2025-01-24
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Citations: Bibtex RefMan EndNote GB/T7714
Yajun ZHAO, Linglong DAI, Jianhua ZHANG, Ran JI, Mengnan JIAN, Hao XUE, Hongkang YU, Yunqi SUN, Yu LU, Zidong WU, Zhuo XU, Jinke LI, Haiyang MIAO, Zhiqiang YUAN, Pan TANG, Jiayu SHEN, Tierui GONG, Haixia LIU, Jiaqi HAN, Qiang FENG, Zhi CHEN, Lingxiang LI, Gang YANG, Yong ZENG, Cunhua PAN, Wang LIU, Kangda ZHI, Weidong HU, Yuanwei LIU, Xidong MU, Chau YUEN, Mrouane DEBBAH, Chongwen HUANG, Long LI, Ping ZHANG. Near-field communications: characteristics, technologies, and engineering[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2024, 25(12): 1581-1627.
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%T Near-field communications: characteristics, technologies, and engineering
%A Yajun ZHAO
%A Linglong DAI
%A Jianhua ZHANG
%A Ran JI
%A Mengnan JIAN
%A Hao XUE
%A Hongkang YU
%A Yunqi SUN
%A Yu LU
%A Zidong WU
%A Zhuo XU
%A Jinke LI
%A Haiyang MIAO
%A Zhiqiang YUAN
%A Jiayu SHEN
%A Tierui GONG
%A Haixia LIU
%A Jiaqi HAN
%A Qiang FENG
%A Lingxiang LI
%A Gang YANG
%A Yong ZENG
%A Cunhua PAN
%A Wang LIU
%A Kangda ZHI
%A Weidong HU
%A Yuanwei LIU
%A Xidong MU
%A Chau YUEN
%A Mrouane DEBBAH
%A Chongwen HUANG
%A Long LI
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
%V 25
%N 12
%P 1581-1627
%@ 2095-9184
%D 2024
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/FITEE.2400576
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A1 - Yajun ZHAO
A1 - Linglong DAI
A1 - Jianhua ZHANG
A1 - Ran JI
A1 - Mengnan JIAN
A1 - Hao XUE
A1 - Hongkang YU
A1 - Yunqi SUN
A1 - Yu LU
A1 - Zidong WU
A1 - Zhuo XU
A1 - Jinke LI
A1 - Haiyang MIAO
A1 - Zhiqiang YUAN
A1 - Pan TANG
A1 - Jiayu SHEN
A1 - Tierui GONG
A1 - Haixia LIU
A1 - Jiaqi HAN
A1 - Qiang FENG
A1 - Zhi CHEN
A1 - Lingxiang LI
A1 - Gang YANG
A1 - Yong ZENG
A1 - Cunhua PAN
A1 - Wang LIU
A1 - Kangda ZHI
A1 - Weidong HU
A1 - Yuanwei LIU
A1 - Xidong MU
A1 - Chau YUEN
A1 - Mrouane DEBBAH
A1 - Chongwen HUANG
A1 - Long LI
A1 - Ping ZHANG
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DOI - 10.1631/FITEE.2400576
Abstract: near-field technology is increasingly recognized due to its transformative potential in communication systems, establishing it as a critical enabler for sixth-generation (6G) telecommunication development. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of recent advancements in near-field technology research. First, we explore the near-field propagation fundamentals by detailing definitions, transmission characteristics, and performance analysis. Next, we investigate various near-field channel models—deterministic, stochastic, and electromagnetic information theory based models, and review the latest progress in near-field channel testing, highlighting practical performance and limitations. With evolving channel models, traditional mechanisms such as channel estimation, beamtraining, and codebook design require redesign and optimization to align with near-field propagation characteristics. We then introduce innovative beam designs enabled by near-field technologies, focusing on non-diffractive beams (such as Bessel and Airy) and orbital angular momentum (OAM) beams, addressing both hardware architectures and signal processing frameworks, showcasing their revolutionary potential in near-field communication systems. Additionally, we highlight progress in both engineering and standardization, covering the primary 6G spectrum allocation, enabling technologies for near-field propagation, and network deployment strategies. Finally, we conclude by identifying promising future research directions for near-field technology development that could significantly impact system design. This comprehensive review provides a detailed understanding of the current state and potential of near-field technologies.
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