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Fu-you Tian


Li-wu Fan


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2016 Vol.17 No.2 P.89-100


Pressure drop in a packed bed with sintered ore particles as applied to sinter coolers with a novel vertically arranged design for waste heat recovery

Author(s):  Fu-you Tian, Lian-feng Huang, Li-wu Fan, Hong-liang Qian, Jia-xi Gu, Zi-tao Yu, Ya-cai Hu, Jian Ge, Ke-fa Cen

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Thermal Science and Power Systems, School of Energy Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   liwufan@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Pressure drop, Porous media, Sinter cooler, Sintered ore particle, Waste heat recovery

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Fu-you Tian, Lian-feng Huang, Li-wu Fan, Hong-liang Qian, Jia-xi Gu, Zi-tao Yu, Ya-cai Hu, Jian Ge, Ke-fa Cen. Pressure drop in a packed bed with sintered ore particles as applied to sinter coolers with a novel vertically arranged design for waste heat recovery[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2016, 17(2): 89-100.

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%T Pressure drop in a packed bed with sintered ore particles as applied to sinter coolers with a novel vertically arranged design for waste heat recovery
%A Fu-you Tian
%A Lian-feng Huang
%A Li-wu Fan
%A Hong-liang Qian
%A Jia-xi Gu
%A Zi-tao Yu
%A Ya-cai Hu
%A Jian Ge
%A Ke-fa Cen
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
%V 17
%N 2
%P 89-100
%@ 1673-565X
%D 2016
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1500088

T1 - Pressure drop in a packed bed with sintered ore particles as applied to sinter coolers with a novel vertically arranged design for waste heat recovery
A1 - Fu-you Tian
A1 - Lian-feng Huang
A1 - Li-wu Fan
A1 - Hong-liang Qian
A1 - Jia-xi Gu
A1 - Zi-tao Yu
A1 - Ya-cai Hu
A1 - Jian Ge
A1 - Ke-fa Cen
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%@ 1673-565X
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1500088

The pressure drop over a packed bed with sintered ore particles was studied experimentally. The sintered ore particles were characterized to determine their equivalent particle diameter, bed voidage, and sphericity. The pressure drop experiments were performed on unsorted and sieved particles with various size distributions for a superficial velocity up to 2.4 m/s, covering flow regimes from laminar to turbulent. It was shown that the Ergun equation underestimates the pressure drop for such highly irregular-shaped particles by about 40%. The measured modified friction factor was well correlated to a scaled Ergun equation, which was verified to be valid for the modified particle Reynolds number up to 12 000 toward design and optimization of vertically arranged sinter coolers for waste heat recovery.

The authors conduct an experiment about the pressure drop over a packed bed with sintered ore particles. This work is of interest in packed bed.


创新点:1. 采用实验方法,获取全面的复杂异形烧结矿颗粒宏观特性数据;2. 通过实验测量,提出适用于烧结矿填充床的修正型Ergun阻力方程。
方法:1. 采用多种实验方法,测量烧结矿的颗粒粒度、球形度和堆积空隙率等宏观特性参数;2. 通过阻力实验数据分析,得到烧结矿填充床的宏观特性参数和堆积空隙流动状态;3. 通过实验数据拟合,提出适用于烧结矿的阻力特性公式。
结论:1. 表观流速为0.4(2.4 m/s时烧结矿填充床堆积空隙流动状态由层流过渡到湍流;2. Ergun方程的不规则异形颗粒的阻力预测值比实验值偏低约40%;3. 提出的修正型Ergun预测公式能够预测颗粒雷诺数500至12 000的烧结矿填充床阻力,预测误差在10%以内。

关键词:压降;多孔介质;烧结矿冷却;填充床;余热 回收

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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