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Bin-ping Wu


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2018 Vol.19 No.5 P.367-383


Construction simulation approach of roller-compacted concrete dam based on real-time monitoring

Author(s):  Qian-wei Wang, Deng-hua Zhong, Bin-ping Wu, Jia Yu, Hao-tian Chang

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Hydraulic Engineering Simulation and Safety, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China

Corresponding email(s):   wubinping@tju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) dam, Construction simulation, Real-time monitoring, Bayesian update, Fuzzy mean generating function

Qian-wei Wang, Deng-hua Zhong, Bin-ping Wu, Jia Yu, Hao-tian Chang. Construction simulation approach of roller-compacted concrete dam based on real-time monitoring[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2018, 19(5): 367-383.

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%T Construction simulation approach of roller-compacted concrete dam based on real-time monitoring
%A Qian-wei Wang
%A Deng-hua Zhong
%A Bin-ping Wu
%A Jia Yu
%A Hao-tian Chang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 367-383
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%D 2018
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1700042

T1 - Construction simulation approach of roller-compacted concrete dam based on real-time monitoring
A1 - Qian-wei Wang
A1 - Deng-hua Zhong
A1 - Bin-ping Wu
A1 - Jia Yu
A1 - Hao-tian Chang
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1700042

The parameters of existing roller-compacted concrete (RCC) dam construction simulation are usually fixed based on experience while the actual construction conditions of an RCC dam change during the process of the project. The simulation accuracy of an RCC dam is therefore reduced because the change has not been considered. A new method for RCC dam construction simulations based on real-time monitoring is presented in this paper. First, real-time monitoring technology is used to collect and analyze the actual construction information. Second, meteorological data obtained from the real-time monitoring system are analyzed using the fuzzy average function method, and the weather conditions of the next stage are forecasted. Then the construction schedule simulation model is updated via the bayesian update method. Results of the analysis are used as the input to the construction simulation parameters, and the construction simulation is performed. A real-world engineering example is presented to compare the simulation results with the actual construction schedule. The results demonstrate that the method can effectively improve the accuracy and real-time performance of construction simulations.

The paper is written mostly in a well-structured and well-organized fashion. The graphics are of a good quality and the paper is easy to read.The authors have proposed a new method for RCC dam construction simulations based on real-time monitoring.


创新点:1. 通过碾压混凝土坝施工信息实时获取技术,分析计算碾压混凝土坝施工仿真参数;2. 利用贝叶斯更新技术对施工仿真参数进行更新;3. 利用模糊均生函数对坝区短期降雨量进行预测;4. 建立基于实时监控的碾压混凝土坝施工仿真模型,对碾压混凝土坝施工过程进行仿真并与实际施工进度对比。
方法:1. 通过实地采集,获取碾压混凝土坝施工过程中实时施工信息(图2);2. 通过理论推导,构建施工仿真参数先验分布均值和方差与后验分布均值和方差之间的关系,得到施工仿真参数更新方案(公式(16)和(17));3. 通过理论推导,利用已知坝区降雨量数据预测未来短期内的降雨情况 (图5);4. 通过仿真模拟,得到施工仿真参数更新后的仿真成果并将其与实际施工进行对比,验证本方法的有效性和准确性。
结论:1. 施工仿真参数的准确性对碾压混凝土坝施工仿真结果准确性有很大影响;2. 可以利用贝叶斯更新技术对施工仿真中的仿真参数进行更新,利用模糊均生函数对坝区短时期内降雨量进行预测;3. 运用基于实时监控的碾压混凝土坝施工仿真方法对碾压混凝土坝施工过程进行仿真,仿真结果与实际施工进度之间的偏差明显减少,仿真准确性明显提高。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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