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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2014 Vol.15 No.4 P.375-381


Analyzing and modeling rheological behavior of liver fibrosis in rats using shear viscoelastic moduli*

Author(s):  Ying Zhu1, Yi Zheng2, Yuan-yuan Shen1, Xin Chen1, Xin-yu Zhang1, Hao-ming Lin1, Yan-rong Guo1, Tian-fu Wang1, Si-ping Chen1

Affiliation(s):  1. National-Regional Key Technology Engineering Laboratory for Medical Ultrasound, Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518160, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   chensiping@szu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Biological mechanics, Rheological properties, Liver fibrosis, Viscoelasticity, Shear modulus, Elasticity, Viscosity, Zener model, Voigt model

Ying Zhu, Yi Zheng, Yuan-yuan Shen, Xin Chen, Xin-yu Zhang, Hao-ming Lin, Yan-rong Guo, Tian-fu Wang, Si-ping Chen. Analyzing and modeling rheological behavior of liver fibrosis in rats using shear viscoelastic moduli[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2014, 15(4): 375-381.

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%T Analyzing and modeling rheological behavior of liver fibrosis in rats using shear viscoelastic moduli
%A Ying Zhu
%A Yi Zheng
%A Yuan-yuan Shen
%A Xin Chen
%A Xin-yu Zhang
%A Hao-ming Lin
%A Yan-rong Guo
%A Tian-fu Wang
%A Si-ping Chen
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
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%N 4
%P 375-381
%@ 1673-1581
%D 2014
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B1300121

T1 - Analyzing and modeling rheological behavior of liver fibrosis in rats using shear viscoelastic moduli
A1 - Ying Zhu
A1 - Yi Zheng
A1 - Yuan-yuan Shen
A1 - Xin Chen
A1 - Xin-yu Zhang
A1 - Hao-ming Lin
A1 - Yan-rong Guo
A1 - Tian-fu Wang
A1 - Si-ping Chen
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Y1 - 2014
PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.B1300121

The process of liver fibrosis changes the rheological properties of liver tissue. This study characterizes and compares liver fibrosis stages from F0 to F4 in rats in terms of shear viscoelastic moduli. Here two viscoelastic models, the zener model and voigt model, were applied to experimental data of rheometer tests and then values of elasticity and viscosity were estimated for each fibrosis stage. The results demonstrate that moderate fibrosis (≤F2) has a good correlation with liver elasticity%29&ck%5B%5D=abstract&ck%5B%5D=keyword'>viscoelasticity. The mean Zener elasticity E 1 increases from (0.452±0.094) kPa (F0) to (1.311±0.717) kPa (F2), while the mean Voigt elasticity E increases from (0.618±0.089) kPa (F0) to (1.701±0.844) kPa (F2). The mean Zener viscosity increases from (3.499±0.186) Pa·s (F0) to (4.947±1.811) Pa·s (F2) and the mean Voigt viscosity increases from (3.379±0.316) Pa·s (F0) to (4.625±1.296) Pa·s (F2). Compared with viscosity, the elasticity shows smaller variations at stages F1 and F2 no matter what viscoelastic model is used. Therefore, the estimated elasticity is more effective than viscosity for differentiating the fibrosis stages from F0 to F2.


重要结论:肝脏中度纤维化(≤F2期)与黏弹性值密切相关。Zener模型的弹性均值E1从F0期的(0.452±0.094) kPa增加到F2期的(1.311±0.717) kPa,而Voigt模型的弹性均值E从F0期的(0.618±0.089) kPa增加到 F2期的(1.701±0.844) kPa。Zener模型的黏性均值从F0期的(3.499±0.186) Pa•s 增加到F2期的(4.947±1.811) Pa•s,而Voigt模型的黏性均值从F0期的(3.379±0.316) Pa•s 增加到F2期的(4.625±1.296) Pa•s。无论选用哪个黏弹性模型,在F1期和F2期,肝脏弹性值的标准差比黏性值的标准差变化要小。因此,测得的弹性比黏性更有效地区分肝纤维化F0期到F2期。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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