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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2014 Vol.15 No.3 P.264-271


Family-based association study of ZNF533, DOCK4 and IMMP2L gene polymorphisms linked to autism in a northeastern Chinese Han population*

Author(s):  Shuang Liang1, Xue-lai Wang1, Ming-yang Zou1, Han Wang1, Xue Zhou1, Cai-hong Sun1, Wei Xia1, Li-jie Wu1, Takashi X. Fujisawa2, Akemi Tomoda2

Affiliation(s):  1. Department of Childrens and Adolescent Health, Public Health College of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150081, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   liangyouyou2004@163.com

Key Words:  Autism, ZNF533 , DOCK4 , IMMP2L , Northeastern Chinese Han population, Single-nucleotide polymorphism

Shuang Liang, Xue-lai Wang, Ming-yang Zou, Han Wang, Xue Zhou, Cai-hong Sun, Wei Xia, Li-jie Wu, Takashi X. Fujisawa, Akemi Tomoda. Family-based association study of ZNF533, DOCK4 and IMMP2L gene polymorphisms linked to autism in a northeastern Chinese Han population[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2014, 15(3): 264-271.

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%T Family-based association study of ZNF533, DOCK4 and IMMP2L gene polymorphisms linked to autism in a northeastern Chinese Han population
%A Shuang Liang
%A Xue-lai Wang
%A Ming-yang Zou
%A Han Wang
%A Xue Zhou
%A Cai-hong Sun
%A Wei Xia
%A Li-jie Wu
%A Takashi X. Fujisawa
%A Akemi Tomoda
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
%V 15
%N 3
%P 264-271
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%D 2014
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B1300133

T1 - Family-based association study of ZNF533, DOCK4 and IMMP2L gene polymorphisms linked to autism in a northeastern Chinese Han population
A1 - Shuang Liang
A1 - Xue-lai Wang
A1 - Ming-yang Zou
A1 - Han Wang
A1 - Xue Zhou
A1 - Cai-hong Sun
A1 - Wei Xia
A1 - Li-jie Wu
A1 - Takashi X. Fujisawa
A1 - Akemi Tomoda
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.B1300133

Objective: A study in a Caucasian population has identified two single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in ZNF533, one in DOCK4, and two in IMMP2L, which were all significantly associated with autism. They are located in AUTS1 and AUTS5, which have been identified as autism susceptibility loci in several genome-wide screens. The present study aimed to investigate whether ZNF533, DOCK4, and IMMP2L genes are also associated with autism in a northeastern Chinese Han population. Methods: We performed a similar association study using families with three individuals (one autistic child and two unaffected parents). A family-based transmission disequilibrium test (TDT) was used to analyze the results. Results: There were significant associations between autism and the two SNPs of ZNF533 gene (rs11885327: χ 2=4.5200, P=0.0335; rs1964081: χ 2=4.2610, P=0.0390) and the SNP of DOCK4 gene (rs2217262: χ 2=5.3430, P=0.0208). Conclusions: Our data suggest that ZNF533 and DOCK4 genes are linked to a predisposition to autism in the northeastern Chinese Han population.




Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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