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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B 2014 Vol.15 No.11 P.986-996


Positional variation in grain mineral nutrients within a rice panicle and its relation to phytic acid concentration*

Author(s):  Da Su, Faisal Sultan, Ning-chun Zhao, Bing-ting Lei, Fu-biao Wang, Gang Pan, Fang-min Cheng

Affiliation(s):  . College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China

Corresponding email(s):   chengfm@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Grain position, Minerals, Phytic acid, Rice, Oryza sativa L.

Da Su, Faisal Sultan, Ning-chun Zhao, Bing-ting Lei, Fu-biao Wang, Gang Pan, Fang-min Cheng. Positional variation in grain mineral nutrients within a rice panicle and its relation to phytic acid concentration[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science B, 2014, 15(11): 986-996.

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%T Positional variation in grain mineral nutrients within a rice panicle and its relation to phytic acid concentration
%A Da Su
%A Faisal Sultan
%A Ning-chun Zhao
%A Bing-ting Lei
%A Fu-biao Wang
%A Gang Pan
%A Fang-min Cheng
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B
%V 15
%N 11
%P 986-996
%@ 1673-1581
%D 2014
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.B1400157

T1 - Positional variation in grain mineral nutrients within a rice panicle and its relation to phytic acid concentration
A1 - Da Su
A1 - Faisal Sultan
A1 - Ning-chun Zhao
A1 - Bing-ting Lei
A1 - Fu-biao Wang
A1 - Gang Pan
A1 - Fang-min Cheng
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.B1400157

Six japonica rice genotypes, differing in panicle type, grain density, and phytic acid (PA) content, were applied to investigate the effect of grain position on the concentrations of major mineral nutrients and its relation to PA content and grain weight within a panicle. grain position significantly affected the concentrations of the studied minerals in both the vertical and horizontal axes of a rice panicle. Heavy-weight grains, located on primary rachis and top rachis, generally had higher mineral concentrations, but were lower in PA concentration and molar ratios of PA/Zn, compared with the small-weight grains located on secondary rachis and bottom rachis, regardless of rice genotypes. However, on the basis of six rice genotypes, no significant correlations were found among mineral elements, PA, and grain weight. These results suggested that some desired minerals, like Zn and Fe, and their bioavailability, can be enhanced simultaneously by the modification of panicle patterns, and it will be helpful in the selection of rice genotypes with low PA and high mineral nutrients for further breeding strategy without sacrificing their high yields.


阐明水稻穗内不同粒位间的主要矿质营养元素和植酸含量差异、粒位分布特点及其与品种穗型间的联系。 将水稻品种的穗型变化与稻米营养品质结合起来,从水稻穗粒结构角度,对同一稻穗内不同籽粒间的主要矿质营养元素与植酸含量差异、粒位分布特点及其与水稻品种穗型间的相互关系进行了较系统的探讨分析。 以典型的直立穗型和弯穗型粳稻品种为材料,通过对两类水稻品种在相同栽培条件下籽粒矿质营养元素和植酸含量的测定分析,并依据水稻籽粒在稻穗上的着生部位,将同一稻穗内的不同籽粒划分为六个粒位,比较分析了两类品种同一稻穗内不同部位间矿质营养元素和植酸含量的差异变化及其粒位分布特点。 水稻穗型虽然与品种间的籽粒矿质营养元素和植酸含量高低没有直接关系,但对其穗内不同籽粒间的主要矿质营养元素和植酸含量存在着较大影响;与稻穗中下部的弱势粒相比,同一稻穗内着生在稻穗上中部的强势粒通常具有相对较高的锌、铁矿质元素含量,而籽粒植酸含量和植酸/锌(铁)摩尔比则有所降低,稻米营养品质也相对较好;不同矿质营养元素相比,粒位效应对铁矿质营养的影响作用要略大于对钙和锌营养元素含量。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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