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Da-fei Huang


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2015 Vol.16 No.11 P.899-916


Improving performance portability for GPU-specific OpenCL kernels on multi-core/many-core CPUs by analysis-based transformations

Author(s):  Mei Wen, Da-fei Huang, Chang-qing Xun, Dong Chen

Affiliation(s):  School of Computer, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   meiwen@nudt.edu.cn, huangdafei1012@163.com, xunchangqing@nudt.edu.cn, chendong@nudt.edu.cn

Key Words:  OpenCL, Performance portability, Multi-core/many-core CPU, Analysis-based transformation

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Mei Wen, Da-fei Huang, Chang-qing Xun, Dong Chen. Improving performance portability for GPU-specific OpenCL kernels on multi-core/many-core CPUs by analysis-based transformations[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2015, 16(11): 899-916.

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%A Mei Wen
%A Da-fei Huang
%A Chang-qing Xun
%A Dong Chen
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A1 - Chang-qing Xun
A1 - Dong Chen
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openCL is an open heterogeneous programming framework. Although openCL programs are functionally portable, they do not provide performance portability, so code transformation often plays an irreplaceable role. When adapting GPU-specific openCL kernels to run on multi-core/many-core CPUs, coarsening the thread granularity is necessary and thus has been extensively used. However, locality concerns exposed in GPU-specific openCL code are usually inherited without analysis, which may give side-effects on the CPU performance. Typically, the use of openCL’s local memory on multi-core/many-core CPUs may lead to an opposite performance effect, because local-memory arrays no longer match well with the hardware and the associated synchronizations are costly. To solve this dilemma, we actively analyze the memory access patterns using array-access descriptors derived from GPU-specific kernels, which can thus be adapted for CPUs by (1) removing all the unwanted local-memory arrays together with the obsolete barrier statements and (2) optimizing the coalesced kernel code with vectorization and locality re-exploitation. Moreover, we have developed an automated tool chain that makes this transformation of GPU-specific openCL kernels into a CPU-friendly form, which is accompanied with a scheduler that forms a new openCL runtime. Experiments show that the automated transformation can improve openCL kernel performance on a multi-core CPU by an average factor of 3.24. Satisfactory performance improvements are also achieved on Intel’s many-integrated-core coprocessor. The resultant performance on both architectures is better than or comparable with the corresponding OpenMP performance.

In this paper, the authors present a transformation approach for GPU-specific OpenCL kernels targeting multi-/many-core CPUs. In particular, they remove local memory usage (and the related synchronization) when found unnecessary, and introduce post-optimizations taking both vectorization and data locality into account. The experimental evaluation shows that their method leads to good performance compared to Intel’s OpenCL implementation and OpenMP.

使用“基于分析的代码转换方法”来提升GPU特定的OpenCL kernel在多核/众核CPU上的性能移植性

目的:针对面向GPU设计的OpenCL kernel程序在CPU上性能移植性欠佳这一问题,设计一种基于访存特征分析的代码转换方法,提升性能移植性。
创新点:通过分析OpenCL kernel中的访存模式,去除不必要的局部存储数组及其带来的同步语句,并使用向量化和局域性重开发进一步优化代码,最终取得显著的性能提升。
方法:首先,针对OpenCL kernel代码中的数组访问,设计一种精确的线性化访问描述子(图2)。然后,利用该描述子,分两步对GPU特定的OpenCL kernel代码进行转换,以提高其在CPU上的性能(图7)。第一步为基于分析的work-item折叠,即通过分析访问描述子,找出并去除不必要的局部存储数组及其带来的同步语句,然后完成work-item折叠。第二步为适应架构的代码优化,即针对CPU架构的特点,使用向量化和局域性重开发进一步优化折叠后的代码。最后,上述代码转换过程被整合为一个工具链,连同一个调度程序,嵌入到一个开源的OpenCL运行时系统中(图11)。实验结果表明,这种转换方法可以显著提升GPU特定的OpenCL kernel在Intel Sandy Bridge架构CPU和Intel Knights Corner架构协处理器上的性能。
结论:准确分析OpenCL kernel代码中的访存模式,不仅利于判断局部存储数组是否适合于CPU架构,还能用于指导之后的代码优化过程,因此是提高性能移植性的重要步骤。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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