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Zheng-yu Lu


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2017 Vol.18 No.3 P.410-422


A new variable-mode control strategy for LLC resonant converters operating in a wide input voltage range

Author(s):  Hui-pin Lin, Xiao-guang Jin, Liang Xie, Jin Hu, Zheng-yu Lu

Affiliation(s):  College of Electrical Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Corresponding email(s):   linhuipin@126.com, eeluzy@cee.zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  LLC, Full bridge, Half bridge, Variable frequency, Phase shift, Wide input voltage range

Hui-pin Lin, Xiao-guang Jin, Liang Xie, Jin Hu, Zheng-yu Lu. A new variable-mode control strategy for LLC resonant converters operating in a wide input voltage range[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017, 18(3): 410-422.

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%T A new variable-mode control strategy for LLC resonant converters operating in a wide input voltage range
%A Hui-pin Lin
%A Xiao-guang Jin
%A Liang Xie
%A Jin Hu
%A Zheng-yu Lu
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
%V 18
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Hui-pin Lin
A1 - Xiao-guang Jin
A1 - Liang Xie
A1 - Jin Hu
A1 - Zheng-yu Lu
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This paper proposes a new variable-mode control strategy that is applicable for LLC resonant converters operating in a wide input voltage range. This control strategy incorporates advantages from full-bridge LLC resonant converters, half-bridge LLC resonant converters, variable-frequency control mode, and phase-shift control mode. Under this control strategy, different input voltages determine the different operating modes of the circuit. When the input voltage is very low, it works in a full-bridge circuit and variable frequency mode (FB_VF mode). When the input voltage rises to a certain level, it shifts to a full-bridge circuit and phase-shifting control mode (FB_PS mode). When the input voltage further increases, it shifts into a half-bridge circuit and variable frequency mode (HB_VF mode). Such shifts are enabled by the digital signal processor (DSP), which means that no auxiliary circuit is needed, just a modification of the software. From light load to heavy load, the primary MOSFET for the LLC resonant converter can realize zero-voltage switching (ZVS), and the secondary rectifier diode can realize zero-current switching (ZCS). With an LLC resonant converter prototype with a 300 W rated power and a 450 V output voltage, as well as a resonant converter with 20–120 V input voltage, the experiments verified the proposed control strategy. Experimental results showed that under this control strategy, the maximum converter efficiency reaches 95.7% and the range of the input voltage expands threefold.


概要:本文提出了一种新颖的适用于LLC谐振变换器的混合模态控制策略,可以使得LLC谐振变换器输入宽电压范围。这种控制策略结合了全桥LLC谐振变换器,半桥LLC谐振变换器,变频控制和变脉宽控制的优点。在这种控制策略下,不同的输入电压决定了不同的电路工作模态。当输入电压很低的时候,电路采用了全桥电路和变频控制(FB_VF模态)。当输入电压升高到一定值,电路切换到全桥电路和移相控制(FB_PS模态)。当输入电压进一步上升时,电路切换到半桥电路和变频控制(FB_VF模态)。这种电路模态的切换是由数字信号处理器(digital signal processor, DSP)来实现的,不需要外加辅助电路,只需要修改一下软件。从轻载到重载下,LLC谐振变换器的原边MOSFET可以实现零电压开通(zero-voltage switching,ZVS),副边二极管可以实现零电流关断(zero-current switching, ZCS)。本文用一个额定功率300 W,输出电压450 V的LLC,输入电压20 V到120 V的谐振变换器的样机验证了这个优化的控制策略。实验结果显示,在这种控制策略下,变换器的最大工作效率可以达到95.7%,并且输入电压范围扩大了3倍。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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