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Citations:  Bibtex RefMan EndNote GB/T7714


Jian-zhi Li


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2017 Vol.18 No.6 P.773-787


Indoor massive multiple-input multiple-output channel characterization and performance evaluation

Author(s):  Jian-zhi Li, Bo Ai, Rui-si He, Qi Wang, Mi Yang, Bei Zhang, Ke Guan, Dan-ping He, Zhang-dui Zhong, Ting Zhou, Nan Li

Affiliation(s):  State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   15111063@bjtu.edu.cn, boai@bjtu.edu.cn

Key Words:  Massive MIMO, Channel modeling, 5G, Shadow fading, Delay spread, Matched filter, Entropy capacity, Condition number, Channel ellipticity

Jian-zhi Li, Bo Ai, Rui-si He, Qi Wang, Mi Yang, Bei Zhang, Ke Guan, Dan-ping He, Zhang-dui Zhong, Ting Zhou, Nan Li. Indoor massive multiple-input multiple-output channel characterization and performance evaluation[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2017, 18(6): 773-787.

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%T Indoor massive multiple-input multiple-output channel characterization and performance evaluation
%A Jian-zhi Li
%A Bo Ai
%A Rui-si He
%A Qi Wang
%A Mi Yang
%A Bei Zhang
%A Ke Guan
%A Dan-ping He
%A Zhang-dui Zhong
%A Ting Zhou
%A Nan Li
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%D 2017
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/FITEE.1700021

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A1 - Jian-zhi Li
A1 - Bo Ai
A1 - Rui-si He
A1 - Qi Wang
A1 - Mi Yang
A1 - Bei Zhang
A1 - Ke Guan
A1 - Dan-ping He
A1 - Zhang-dui Zhong
A1 - Ting Zhou
A1 - Nan Li
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We present a measurement campaign to characterize an indoor massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channel system, using a 64-element virtual linear array, a 64-element virtual planar array, and a 128-element virtual planar array. The array topologies are generated using a 3D mechanical turntable. The measurements are conducted at 2, 4, 6, 11, 15, and 22 GHz, with a large bandwidth of 200 MHz. Both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-LOS (NLOS) propagation scenarios are considered. The typical channel parameters are extracted, including path loss, shadow fading, power delay profile, and root mean square (RMS) delay spread. The frequency dependence of these channel parameters is analyzed. The correlation between shadow fading and RMS delay spread is discussed. In addition, the performance of the standard linear precoder–-the matched filter, which can be used for intersymbol interference (ISI) mitigation by shortening the RMS delay spread, is investigated. Other performance measures, such as entropy capacity, Demmel condition number, and channel ellipticity, are analyzed. The measured channels, which are in a rich-scattering indoor environment, are found to achieve a performance close to that in independent and identically distributed Rayleigh channels even in an LOS scenario.


概要:介绍了室内环境下的大规模天线阵列信道测量,天线阵列形式包括64阵元虚拟线阵、64阵元虚拟面阵以及128阵元虚拟面阵。3种不同形式的阵列结构通过三维机械转台构造得到。测量频点包括2、4、6、11、15以及22 GHz,测量带宽为200 MHz。测量同时考虑了直射径场景和非直射径场景。对实测数据进行了基本信道参数萃取,参数包括路径损耗、阴影衰落、功率时延谱和均方根时延扩展。同时给出了上述信道参数的频率依赖性分析,以及阴影衰落与均方根时延扩展的相关性分析。利用实测数据,对基于匹配滤波器的码间干扰消除性能进行了评估,给出了其他信道性能指标(如信道香农容量、信道状态数以及信道富裕度)的分析结果。分析结果表明:对于具有丰富反散射体的室内环境,即使在直射径存在的情况下,实际大规模天线阵列信道的性能可以接近于独立同分布瑞利信道。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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