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Wen-bing Han


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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  2018 Vol.19 No.10 P.1291-1302


A novel non-volatile memory storage system for I/O-intensive applications

Author(s):  Wen-bing Han, Xiao-gang Chen, Shun-fen Li, Ge-zi Li, Zhi-tang Song, Da-gang Li, Shi-yan Chen

Affiliation(s):  Shanghai Institute of Micro-system and Information Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   hwbx@mail.sim.ac.cn, chenxg@mail.sim.ac.cn

Key Words:  In-storage processing, File system, Non-volatile memory (NVM), Storage system, I/O-intensive applications

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Wen-bing Han, Xiao-gang Chen, Shun-fen Li, Ge-zi Li, Zhi-tang Song, Da-gang Li, Shi-yan Chen. A novel non-volatile memory storage system for I/O-intensive applications[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2018, 19(10): 1291-1302.

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%A Wen-bing Han
%A Xiao-gang Chen
%A Shun-fen Li
%A Ge-zi Li
%A Zhi-tang Song
%A Da-gang Li
%A Shi-yan Chen
%J Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Wen-bing Han
A1 - Xiao-gang Chen
A1 - Shun-fen Li
A1 - Ge-zi Li
A1 - Zhi-tang Song
A1 - Da-gang Li
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The emerging memory technologies, such as phase change memory (PCM), provide chances for high-performance storage of i/O-intensive applications. However, traditional software stack and hardware architecture need to be optimized to enhance I/O efficiency. In addition, narrowing the distance between computation and storage reduces the number of I/O requests and has become a popular research direction. This paper presents a novel PCM-based storage system. It consists of the in-storage processing enabled file system (ISPFS) and the configurable parallel computation fabric in storage, which is called an in-storage processing (ISP) engine. On one hand, ISPFS takes full advantage of non-volatile memory (NVM)’s characteristics, and reduces software overhead and data copies to provide low-latency high-performance random access. On the other hand, ISPFS passes ISP instructions through a command file and invokes the ISP engine to deal with I/O-intensive tasks. Extensive experiments are performed on the prototype system. The results indicate that ISPFS achieves 2 to 10 times throughput compared to EXT4. Our ISP solution also reduces the number of I/O requests by 97% and is 19 times more efficient than software implementation for i/O-intensive applications.


摘要:新型存储技术—如相变存储器(phase change memory, PCM)的兴起,为I/O密集型应用的高性能存储提供了新机遇。然而传统软件栈和硬件架构需要重构优化以提升I/O访问效率。此外,存储内计算技术已经成为当前研究热点,能有效减少I/O请求数量。提出一种基于相变存储器的新型存储系统,包括支持存储内计算的文件系统(in-storage processing enabled filesy stem, ISPFS)和可配置并行计算的存储内计算引擎。一方面,ISPFS充分利用新型非易失存储器(non-volatile memory, NVM)的特性,减少软件冗余和数据拷贝,提供低延迟、高性能的随机访问。另一方面,ISPFS通过命令文件将ISP指令发送给存储内计算引擎来处理I/O密集型任务。实验证明,ISPFS的吞吐量是EXT4文件系统的2–10倍。对于I/O密集型应用,该存储内计算方案比传统软件方案减少97%的I/O请求,效率提升19倍。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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