CLC number: O437
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
Revision Accepted: 2024-05-08
Crosschecked: 2019-07-12
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Zu-yan Xu, Shen-jin Zhang, Xing-jiang Zhou, Feng-feng Zhang, Feng Yang, Zhi-min Wang, Nan Zong, Guo-dong Liu, Lin Zhao, Li Yu, Chuang-tian Chen, Xiao-yang Wang, Qin-jun Peng. Advances in deep ultraviolet laser based high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2019, 20(7): 885-913.
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%T Advances in deep ultraviolet laser based high-resolution photoemission spectroscopy
%A Zu-yan Xu
%A Shen-jin Zhang
%A Xing-jiang Zhou
%A Feng-feng Zhang
%A Feng Yang
%A Zhi-min Wang
%A Nan Zong
%A Guo-dong Liu
%A Lin Zhao
%A Li Yu
%A Chuang-tian Chen
%A Xiao-yang Wang
%A Qin-jun Peng
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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A1 - Zu-yan Xu
A1 - Shen-jin Zhang
A1 - Xing-jiang Zhou
A1 - Feng-feng Zhang
A1 - Feng Yang
A1 - Zhi-min Wang
A1 - Nan Zong
A1 - Guo-dong Liu
A1 - Lin Zhao
A1 - Li Yu
A1 - Chuang-tian Chen
A1 - Xiao-yang Wang
A1 - Qin-jun Peng
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Abstract: We briefly review recent results on photoemission spectroscopy based on the deep and vacuum ultraviolet diode pumped solid-state lasers which we have developed. Cascaded second harmonic generation with the nonlinear crystal KBe2BO3F2 (KBBF) is used to generate deep ultraviolet and vacuum ultraviolet laser radiation, which complements traditional incoherent light sources such as gas discharge lamps and synchrotron radiation, and has greatly improved resolution with respect to energy, momentum, and spin of photoemission spectroscopy. Many new functions have been developed with the advantages of high photon energy, narrow linewidth, high photon flux density, and so on. These have led to the observation of various new phenomena and the amassment of new data in the fields of high temperature superconductivity, topological electronics, Fermi semi-metals, and so forth. These laser systems have revived the field of photoemission spectroscopy and provided a new platform in this frontier research field.
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