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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2006 Vol.7 No.8 P.1396-1405


Bubble entrainment, spray and splashing at hydraulic jumps

Author(s):  CHANSON Hubert

Affiliation(s):  Division of Civil Engineering, The University of Queensland, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia

Corresponding email(s):   h.chanson@uq.edu.au

Key Words:  Hydraulic jump, Air bubble entrainment, Spray and splashing physical modelling, Particle chord time distributions

CHANSON Hubert. Bubble entrainment, spray and splashing at hydraulic jumps[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2006, 7(8): 1396-1405.

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The sudden transition from a high-velocity, supercritical open channel flow into a slow-moving sub-critical flow is a hydraulic jump. Such a flow is characterised by a sudden rise of the free-surface, with some strong energy dissipation and air entrainment, waves and spray. New two-phase flow measurements were performed in the developing flow region using a large-size facility operating at large Reynolds numbers. The experimental results demonstrated the complexity of the flow with a developing mixing layer in which entrained bubbles are advected in a high shear stress flow. The relationship between bubble count rates and void fractions was non-unique in the shear zone, supporting earlier observations of some form of double diffusion process between momentum and air bubbles. In the upper region, the flow consisted primarily of water drops and packets surrounded by air. Visually significant pray and splashing were significant above the jump roller. The present study is the first comprehensive study detailing the two-phase flow properties of both the bubbly and spray regions of hydraulic jumps, a first step towards understanding the interactions between bubble entrainment and droplet ejection processes.

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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