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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2014 Vol.15 No.5 P.309-322


Research and development of large-scale cryogenic air separation in China*

Author(s):  Xiao-bin Zhang1, Jian-ye Chen1, Lei Yao2, Yong-hua Huang3, Xue-jun Zhang1, Li-min Qiu1

Affiliation(s):  1. Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   limin.qiu@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Air separation, Cryogenic, Large-scale equipment, Technological development

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Xiao-bin Zhang, Jian-ye Chen, Lei Yao, Yong-hua Huang, Xue-jun Zhang, Li-min Qiu. Research and development of large-scale cryogenic air separation in China[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2014, 15(5): 309-322.

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%A Xiao-bin Zhang
%A Jian-ye Chen
%A Lei Yao
%A Yong-hua Huang
%A Xue-jun Zhang
%A Li-min Qiu
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A1 - Xue-jun Zhang
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With the rapid growth in demand for industrial gas in steel and chemical industries, there has been significant emphasis placed on the development of China’s large-scale air separation technology. Currently, the maximum capacity of a single unit has been able to attain 120 000 Nm3/h (oxygen), and the specific power consumption of 0.38 kWh/m3. This paper reviews the current state-of-the-art for large-scale cryogenic air separation systems being deployed in China. A brief introduction to the history and establishment of the large-scale cryogenic air separation industry is presented. Taking the present mainstream large-scale air separation unit operating at 60 000 Nm3/h (oxygen) as an example, the technological parameters and features of the involved key equipment, including a molecular sieve adsorber, air compressor unit, plate-fin heat exchanger, turbo-expander and distillation column are described in detail. The developing 80 000–120 000 Nm3/h air separation processes and equipment are also introduced. A summary of the existing problems and future developments of these systems in China are discussed.


本文概要:中国钢铁、化工等行业对工业气体需求的快速增长,极大地促进了大规模空分技术的发展。 目前,中国生产的单套空分设备最大氧产量达到了120 000 Nm3/h,单位能耗为0.38 kWh/m3。本文介绍了中国大规模空分技术发展水平,回顾了中国大规模空分工业的发展历史。以成熟的60 000 Nm3/h空分系统为例,详细介绍了分子筛吸附器、空压机、板翅换热器、透平膨胀机和精馏塔等主要设备的技术参数。然后介绍了中国正在发展中的80 000~120 000 Nm3/h空分工艺和装备。最后讨论了中国大规模空分技术存在的主要问题及未来发展方向。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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