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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2014 Vol.15 No.11 P.862-872


Multi-principle preventive maintenance: a design-oriented scheduling study for mechanical systems*

Author(s):  Yi-cong Gao, Yi-xiong Feng, Jian-rong Tan

Affiliation(s):  . State Key Lab of Fluid Power Transmission and Control, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China

Corresponding email(s):   fyxtv@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Preventive maintenance (PM) scheduling, Multi-objective optimization, Mechanical system

Yi-cong Gao, Yi-xiong Feng, Jian-rong Tan. Multi-principle preventive maintenance: a design-oriented scheduling study for mechanical systems[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2014, 15(11): 862-872.

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%T Multi-principle preventive maintenance: a design-oriented scheduling study for mechanical systems
%A Yi-cong Gao
%A Yi-xiong Feng
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Preventive maintenance (PM) is very important for the safe, efficient, and reliable operation of mechanical systems. This paper focuses on one of the most challenging tasks for PM: PM scheduling. Two basic principles are integrated to support the PM scheduling of mechanical systems: (1) the cost principle, and (2) the reliability principle. These two PM scheduling principles are regarded as conflicting objectives, and the improved strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm is used to find the Pareto-optimal set within which the best compromise solution can be obtained according to fuzzy set theory. Both conceptual and mathematical models of the proposed multi-principle PM scheduling method are explained, and a case study is provided to illustrate the practical application of the new method.


为复杂机械产品提供满足整机可靠性指标和维护成本指标的预防性维护方案多准则规划方法。 1. 分析了检查、维修、更换等对复杂机械产品零部件工作寿命变化的作用机理;2. 提出了复杂机械产品预防性维护多准则规划方法。 1. 基于非完美维修理论,建立不同模式下零件间工作寿命模型,定义维修效能因子,表征检查、维修、更换对零件寿命的影响;2. 通过求解获得复杂机械产品指定时间区间的预防性维护方案,根据零部件工作寿命,采取维修和更换等预防性维护措施,减少零部件故障的发生。 零部件的预防性维护次数与其故障因子相关;机械产品尤其是复杂机械产品实施定期预防性维护能够减少或消除故障的发生。

Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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