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Xing-huai Huang


Zhao-dong Xu


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2015 Vol.16 No.2 P.105-116


An in-time damage identification approach based on the Kalman filter and energy equilibrium theory

Author(s):  Xing-huai Huang, Shirley Dyke, Zhao-dong Xu

Affiliation(s):  Key Laboratory of C&PC Structures of the Ministry of Education, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   xuzhdgyq@seu.edu.cn

Key Words:  In-time model updating, Kalman filter, Energy equilibrium theory, Damage identification, Anti-noise capacity, Structure health monitoring

Xing-huai Huang, Shirley Dyke, Zhao-dong Xu. An in-time damage identification approach based on the Kalman filter and energy equilibrium theory[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2015, 16(2): 105-116.

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%T An in-time damage identification approach based on the Kalman filter and energy equilibrium theory
%A Xing-huai Huang
%A Shirley Dyke
%A Zhao-dong Xu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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A1 - Xing-huai Huang
A1 - Shirley Dyke
A1 - Zhao-dong Xu
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In research on damage identification, conventional methods usually face difficulties in converging globally and rapidly. Therefore, a fast in-time damage identification approach based on the kalman filter and energy equilibrium theory is proposed to obtain the structural stiffness, find the locations of damage, and quantify its intensity. The proposed approach establishes a relationship between the structural stiffness and acceleration response by means of energy equilibrium theory. After importing the structural energy into the kalman filter algorithm, unknown parameters of the structure can be obtained by comparing the predicted energy and the measured energy in each time step. Numerical verification on a highway sign support truss with and without damage indicates that the updated Young’s modulus can converge to the true value rapidly, even under the effects of external noise excitation. In addition, the calculation time taken for each step of the approach is considerably shorter than the sampling period (1/256 s), which means that, this approach can be implemented in-time and on-line.


方法:1. 用能量原理对结构刚度进行解构,建立结构单元刚度和节点响应之间的关系;2. 用Kalman滤波原理分析结构刚度的预测值和测量值,迅速对结构的刚度进行识别(图6-9);3. 对每一步计算进行耗时监测,确保算法的实时性(图10)。
结论:1. 该方法能够较准确地得到结构的刚度信息,同时得出损伤单元的损伤位置和损伤量;并且收敛速度快,计算量小,具有很强的实时性和抗噪能力;2. 对于本文的桁架结构,所有杆件刚度均能在0.4 s内收敛,平均每一荷载步计算时间约为0.0012 s,小于采样周期1/256 s,说明该方法可以迅速、准确地对结构进行实时的监测。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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