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Xiao-bin Song


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2015 Vol.16 No.12 P.964-975


Compressive capacity of longitudinally cracked wood columns retrofitted by self-tapping screws

Author(s):  Xiao-bin Song, Ya-jie Wu, Rui Jiang

Affiliation(s):  Department of Structural Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

Corresponding email(s):   xiaobins@tongji.edu.cn

Key Words:  Wood columns, Cracked, Self-tapping screws, Retrofitting, Finite element model

Xiao-bin Song, Ya-jie Wu, Rui Jiang. Compressive capacity of longitudinally cracked wood columns retrofitted by self-tapping screws[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2015, 16(12): 964-975.

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%T Compressive capacity of longitudinally cracked wood columns retrofitted by self-tapping screws
%A Xiao-bin Song
%A Ya-jie Wu
%A Rui Jiang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%N 12
%P 964-975
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%D 2015
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - Compressive capacity of longitudinally cracked wood columns retrofitted by self-tapping screws
A1 - Xiao-bin Song
A1 - Ya-jie Wu
A1 - Rui Jiang
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1500069

This paper presents the results of an experimental and numerical study of the compressive capacity of longitudinally cracked wooden columns retrofitted using self-tapping screws. The screws were driven into the wood perpendicular to the wood grain to alleviate the propagation of existing cracks and to improve the structural integrity of the cracked columns. Full-scale concentric and eccentric compression tests were conducted to investigate the failure modes and maximum load carrying capacity of such columns. A 3D finite element model was developed, verified, and then used for a parametric study. The test results indicated that the cracks (of 6 mm wide) caused a resistance loss of up to 19% compared with an intact column, but most of this resistance loss can be remedied by using self-tapping screws. It was also found that such resistance loss and recovery are dependent on the seriousness of the cracking, and generally increase with the increased initial mid-height deflection and decreased screw spacing, whereas a screw spacing of 100 mm would be sufficient for most cases considered in this study.

Given increasing interest of retrofitting of timber structures in modern-day rehabilitation and restoration, as well as the realistic environment at which the experiments were conducted, the manuscript addresses an issue that is very important from the practical point of view; as such, it is important in field and useful to the profession. It is also an issue that poses theoretical, as well as experimental challenges, and, as such, it is also useful to research in academia and deserves a broader dissemination.


创新点:1. 以自攻螺丝实现纵裂木柱抗压承载力快速有效和不影响外观的修复目标;2. 以试验和数值模拟推导纵裂木柱承载力显著下降而需修复的临界值以及自攻螺丝间距的最优取值。
方法:1. 通过带纵缝木柱抗压试验研究纵缝及自攻螺丝对木柱承载力的影响;2. 运用精细化有限元数值模拟方法,基于清样小试件木材力学测试结果,建立带纵缝木柱有限元模型;3. 运用有限元模型开展参数分析,归纳整理纵缝宽度及自攻螺丝间距等主要参数对木柱承载力修复效果的影响。
结论:1. 纵裂木柱抗压承载力下降主要由缝端应力集中引起的裂缝开展和缝两侧木材协同工作性能下降引起;2. 新型自攻螺丝垂直裂缝方向贯入可实现有效拉结,从而延缓裂缝开展和恢复木材协同工作性能;3. 纵裂木柱承载力下降比率和自攻螺丝修复率均随裂缝宽度的增加而增加;4. 本文中30 mm的柱中裂缝宽度可导致木柱承载力下降超过10%,因而可作为修复的临界值,而100 mm的自攻螺丝间距可基本实现100%的承载力修复,因而可作为最优螺丝 间距。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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