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De-you Li


Hong-jie Wang


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2015 Vol.16 No.11 P.851-863


Fluid flow analysis of drooping phenomena in pump mode for a given guide vane setting of a pump-turbine model

Author(s):  De-you Li, Ru-zhi Gong, Hong-jie Wang, Wen-wen Fu, Xian-zhu Wei, Zhan-sheng Liu

Affiliation(s):  1School of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   wanghongjie@hit.edu.cn

Key Words:  Pump-turbine, Flow analysis, Flow angle, Hydraulic loss, Drooping zone

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De-you Li, Ru-zhi Gong, Hong-jie Wang, Wen-wen Fu, Xian-zhu Wei, Zhan-sheng Liu. Fluid flow analysis of drooping phenomena in pump mode for a given guide vane setting of a pump-turbine model[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2015, 16(11): 851-863.

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%T Fluid flow analysis of drooping phenomena in pump mode for a given guide vane setting of a pump-turbine model
%A De-you Li
%A Ru-zhi Gong
%A Hong-jie Wang
%A Wen-wen Fu
%A Xian-zhu Wei
%A Zhan-sheng Liu
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 851-863
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%D 2015
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1500087

T1 - Fluid flow analysis of drooping phenomena in pump mode for a given guide vane setting of a pump-turbine model
A1 - De-you Li
A1 - Ru-zhi Gong
A1 - Hong-jie Wang
A1 - Wen-wen Fu
A1 - Xian-zhu Wei
A1 - Zhan-sheng Liu
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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The energy-discharge characteristics of pump-turbines in pump mode with a hump region are significantly important for operating stability. To investigate the flow characteristics, 3D steady numerical simulations are conducted for a given guide vane opening of 32 mm by solving Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations using the shear-stress transport (SST) k-ω turbulence model. Based on the validation of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) results using experimental benchmarks, the part-load (0.45φBEP), drooping zone load (0.65φBEP), near best efficiency point (BEP) (0.90φBEP), BEP (1.00φBEP), and overload (1.24φBEP) regions are chosen to analyze how and why the fluid properties change in the runner. The causes of flow separation and spatial characteristics of flow at different load points are obtained through the analysis of flow angle and hydraulic losses. The results show that flow angle at the leading and trailing edge from the crown to the band distributes differently among these five operating points. Then, the reasons for drooping are investigated based on the Euler theory. It is found that drooping behavior comes from both the incidence/deviation effect and frictional losses. In addition, the runner losses are more consequential to drooping as shown by hydraulic loss analysis.


方法:对某一水泵水轮机模型,采用剪切压力传输(SST) k-ω湍流模型进行三维定常数值模拟,在实验验证的基础上:1. 在曲面坐标系中,分析由叶片形状所引起的各个工况叶片进出口边在周向和叶片方向上的分布规律;2. 运用经典欧拉理论分析叶片进出口边液流角变化对各个工况的欧拉水头的影响;3. 通过水力损失分析,获得不同部件各个工况损失变化规律。
结论:1. 转轮叶片进出水边的液流角随着叶片方向在不同流量工况分布下具有明显差异,导致转轮流道不同程度流动分离;2. 运用经典欧拉理论得出驼峰区工况点出口角液流的减小与入口液流的增加是驼峰特性产生的主要原因之一;3. 通过损失分析,确定泵工况损失主要在转轮和双列叶栅中,得出转轮部分损失是驼峰特性形成的主要原因之一;4. 综合分析,驼峰特性是由该工况欧拉动量的减小和转轮部分损失的增加共同作用的结果。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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