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Xiao-bin ZHANG


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2022 Vol.23 No.2 P.83-100


Computational fluid dynamics analysis on flow-induced vibration of a cryogenic poppet valve in consideration of cavitation effect

Author(s):  Ai-bo WEI, Rong GAO, Wei ZHANG, Shun-hao WANG, Rui ZHOU, Xiao-bin ZHANG

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Refrigeration and Cryogenics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   zhangxbin@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Poppet valve, Computational fluid dynamics (CFD), Cavitation, Flow-induced Vibration, Fluid-structure interaction (FSI)

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Ai-bo WEI, Rong GAO, Wei ZHANG, Shun-hao WANG, Rui ZHOU, Xiao-bin ZHANG. Computational fluid dynamics analysis on flow-induced vibration of a cryogenic poppet valve in consideration of cavitation effect[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2022, 23(2): 83-100.

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%T Computational fluid dynamics analysis on flow-induced vibration of a cryogenic poppet valve in consideration of cavitation effect
%A Ai-bo WEI
%A Rong GAO
%A Shun-hao WANG
%A Xiao-bin ZHANG
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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T1 - Computational fluid dynamics analysis on flow-induced vibration of a cryogenic poppet valve in consideration of cavitation effect
A1 - Ai-bo WEI
A1 - Rong GAO
A1 - Wei ZHANG
A1 - Shun-hao WANG
A1 - Rui ZHOU
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poppet valves are basic components of many manufacturing operations and industrial processes. The valve plug will withstand unbalanced pressure during the switching process due to the complex fluid-structure interaction (FSI) in the local flow condition, especially with the occurrence of cavitation, which results in a convoluted generation and propagation of mechanical and fluid-dynamic vibrations. In the present work, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approaches are proposed to model the flow-driven movement of the disc, in consideration of the valve stem rigidity, for a cryogenic poppet valve with liquid nitrogen as the working fluid. cavitation effects are included in the CFD simulations. The relationship between the displacement of the disc and the resistance of the stem is obtained in advance using the finite element method (FEM), and implemented in CFD calculations based on the user-defined functions (UDFs). The disc vibration is realized using the dynamic mesh technology according to the resultant flow field force and resistance of the stem determined in the UDF. The vibration characteristics of the valve disc, including velocity and vibration frequency, are presented. The temporal evolutions of cavitation behavior due to the vibration are also captured. Comparisons of results between cavitation and non-cavitation conditions are made, and spectral analysis of the transient pressure fluctuations reveals that the presence of cavitation induces transient unbalanced loads on the valve disc and generates instantaneous tremendous pressure fluctuations in the flow field. Various pressure differences between the inlet and outlet as well as valve openings are modeled to probe the influences of FSI on valve disc vibration mechanisms. The consequent analysis gives deeper insights and improves understanding of the mechanism of the complicated interaction between the cavitating flow and the vibration of the valve disc.


结论:1.阀芯的空化流激运动呈现出振幅逐渐增大的周期性振荡规律;在阀门开度为30%,进口压力为1000 kPa时阀芯的振动频率约为116.6 Hz;阀芯在振荡过程中与右侧阀座发生撞击并形成稳定的循环,且伴随着大量空泡在阀芯表面附近快速产生和溃灭。2.空化发生时,大量空泡的破裂导致流场局部压力瞬时突增,并产生10倍于空化未考虑时的压力峰值;考虑空化效应时,阀芯与阀座之间的平均撞击频率和撞击速度相对较小。3.阀门的开度和进出口压差对阀芯的振动特性有显著影响;当开度较小、压差较大时,阀芯的振动频率以及位移脉动峰值显著增大,阀芯撞击阀座的时间也更早且平均撞击速度更大,使阀芯与阀座间的碰撞加剧,进而导致阀芯的冲蚀和疲劳破坏,严重影响阀门的强度性能与使用寿命。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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