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Xin-yue Zhao


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2016 Vol.17 No.2 P.155-162


A novel organosilicon-based ionic plastic crystal as solid-state electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries

Author(s):  Xin-yue Zhao, Jing-lun Wang, Hao Luo, Hu-rong Yao, Chu-ying Ouyang, Ling-zhi Zhang

Affiliation(s):  Key Laboratory of Renewable Energy, Guangzhou Institute of Energy Conversion, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510640, China; more

Corresponding email(s):   lzzhang@ms.giec.ac.cn

Key Words:  Organosilicon, Ionic plastic crystal, Solid-state electrolyte, Lithium-ion battery

Xin-yue Zhao, Jing-lun Wang, Hao Luo, Hu-rong Yao, Chu-ying Ouyang, Ling-zhi Zhang. A novel organosilicon-based ionic plastic crystal as solid-state electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2016, 17(2): 155-162.

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%T A novel organosilicon-based ionic plastic crystal as solid-state electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries
%A Xin-yue Zhao
%A Jing-lun Wang
%A Hao Luo
%A Hu-rong Yao
%A Chu-ying Ouyang
%A Ling-zhi Zhang
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%P 155-162
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%D 2016
%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
%DOI 10.1631/jzus.A1500099

T1 - A novel organosilicon-based ionic plastic crystal as solid-state electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries
A1 - Xin-yue Zhao
A1 - Jing-lun Wang
A1 - Hao Luo
A1 - Hu-rong Yao
A1 - Chu-ying Ouyang
A1 - Ling-zhi Zhang
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1500099

A novel organosilicon-based ionic plastic crystal, N,N,N,-diethylmethyl-N-[(trimethylsilyl)methyl]ammonium bistrifluoromethane sulfonimide ([DTMA][TFSI]) was designed and synthesized as solid-state electrolyte for lithium-ion batteries. The chemical structure and the physical and electrochemical properties were characterized in detail. The ionic conductivity of [DTMA][TFSI] was improved significantly by doping with lithium oxalyldifluoroborate (LiODFB) and propylene carbonate (PC). An optimized plastic crystal composite ([DTMA][TFSI]:LiODFB:PC=8:1: molar ratio) as a solid-state electrolyte exhibited a decent cycling stability in LiFePO4/Li half-cell, with a specific discharge capacity of 144 mA·h/g and capacity retention of 94% after 50 cycles at C/20.

This is a solid paper describing relevant and interesting work on the use of organic plastic crystals in Li-Bat applications.


目的:合成新型的有机硅基离子塑晶材料 [DTMA][TFSI],测试材料的物理和电化学性能,研究其掺杂改性并作为固态电解质用于锂离子电池。
创新点:1. 合成新型的有机硅基离子型塑晶材料;2. 将三元复合塑晶材料作为固态电解质在室温下用于锂离子电池。
方法:1. 通过热性能分析,得到材料的塑晶温度区间和融化熵值(图1和表1);2. 通过电导率测试,确定塑晶掺杂对导电性能的影响(图2);3. 通过对扣式电池的充放电性能、倍率性能、循环性能以及阻抗的测试(图4~7),得到塑晶复合物作为固态电解质的电化学性能以及电池循环的稳定性和可逆性。
结论:1. 合成新型有机硅基离子塑晶材料[DTMA][TFSI],塑晶温度区间为-26 °C到54 °C;2. 在纯塑晶IPC中添加10% LiODFB和10% PC,得到复合物的电导率为1×10-4 S/cm,提高塑晶作为固态电解质在室温下应用的可行性;3. 将复合物用于LiFePO4/Li半电池测试,在C/20倍率下,电池的放电比容量为144 mA·h/g,库伦效率为99%。在50次循环后,容量保持率为94%;4. 测试结果表明,新型有机硅基离子塑晶的复合物可作为固态电解质材料应用于锂离子电池,以及更高能量密度的锂-硫和锂-空电池。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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