CLC number: V22
On-line Access: 2024-08-27
Received: 2023-10-17
Revision Accepted: 2024-05-08
Crosschecked: 2016-07-24
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Tian-tian Zhang, Wei Huang, Zhen-guo Wang, Li Yan. A study of airfoil parameterization, modeling, and optimization based on the computational fluid dynamics method[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2016, 17(8): 632-645.
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%T A study of airfoil parameterization, modeling, and optimization based on the computational fluid dynamics method
%A Tian-tian Zhang
%A Wei Huang
%A Zhen-guo Wang
%A Li Yan
%J Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A
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%I Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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T1 - A study of airfoil parameterization, modeling, and optimization based on the computational fluid dynamics method
A1 - Tian-tian Zhang
A1 - Wei Huang
A1 - Zhen-guo Wang
A1 - Li Yan
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PB - Zhejiang University Press & Springer
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DOI - 10.1631/jzus.A1500308
Abstract: An excellent airfoil with a high lift-to-drag ratio may decrease oil consumption and enhance the voyage. Based on NACA 0012, an improved airfoil is explored in this paper. The class/shape function transformation has been proved to be a good method for airfoil parameterization, and in this paper it is modified to improve imitation accuracy. The computational fluid dynamics method is applied to obtain numerically the aerodynamic parameters of the parameterized airfoil, and the result is proved credible by comparison with available experimental data in the open literature. A polynomial-based response surface model and the uniform Latin hypercube sampling method are employed to decrease computational cost. Finally, the nonlinear programming by quadratic Lagrangian method is utilized to modify the multi-island genetic algorithm, which has an improved optimization effect than the method used on its own. The obtained result shows that the modified class/shape function transformation method produces a better imitation of an airfoil in the nose and tail regions than the original method, and that it will satisfy the tolerance zone of the model in a wind tunnel. The response surface model based on the uniform Latin hypercube sampling method gives an accurate prediction of the lift-to-drag ratio with changes in the design variables. The numerical result of the flow around the airfoil shows reasonable agreement with the experimental data graphically and quantitatively. Ultimately, an airfoil with better capacity than the original one is acquired using the multi-island genetic algorithm based nonlinear programming by quadratic Lagrangian optimization method. The pressure contours and lift-to-drag ratio along with the attack angle have been compared with those of the original airfoil, and the results demonstrate the strength of the optimized airfoil. The process for exploring an improved airfoil through parameterization to optimization is worth referencing in future work.
The authors describe an interesting exercise of the aerodynamic optimization of a NACA0012 profile using a CST parametrization, a polynomial based response surface model as surrogate model combined with a latin hypercube sampling to reduce the computational cost and a combination of Genetic Algorithm and gradient algorithms as optimization method. The main advance proposed by the authors is a new distribution of the control points given by formula (8). This new distribution allows a better definition of the nose and tail area of the airfoil without sacrificing the accuracy in the rest of the profile.
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