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He-dong Li


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Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 2016 Vol.17 No.6 P.417-426


Rate dependence of ultra high toughness cementitious composite under direct tension

Author(s):  He-dong Li, Shi-lang Xu

Affiliation(s):  Institute of Advanced Engineering Structures and Materials, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China

Corresponding email(s):   slxu@zju.edu.cn

Key Words:  Ultra high toughness cementitious composite (UHTCC), Rate dependence, Direct tension, Strain hardening, Multiple cracking

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He-dong Li, Shi-lang Xu. Rate dependence of ultra high toughness cementitious composite under direct tension[J]. Journal of Zhejiang University Science A, 2016, 17(6): 417-426.

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ultra high toughness cementitious composite (UHTCC) usually shows strain hardening and multiple cracking under static tension loads. In practice, structures could be exposed to high strain rates during an earthquake. Whether UHTCC can maintain its unique properties and provide high structural performance under seismic loading rates largely determines whether it can successfully fulfil its intended function. To determine the rate dependence of UHTCC, uniaxial tensile tests with strain rates ranging from 4×10−6 s−1 to 1×10−1 s−1 were conducted with thin plates. The experimental results showed that UHTCC had significant strain hardening and excellent multiple cracking properties under all the rates tested. The ultimate tensile strain lay in the range of 3.7% to 4.1% and was almost immune to the change in strain rates. The rate of 1×10−3 s−1 seemed to be a threshold for dynamic increase effects of the first crack tensile strength, elastic modulus, ultimate tensile strength, and energy absorption capability. When the strain rate was higher than the threshold, the dynamic increase effects became more pronounced. The energy absorption capability was much higher than that of concrete, and the average ultimate crack widths were controlled below 0.1 mm under all rates. Several fitting formulas were obtained based on the experimental results.

In this study, the rate dependency of UHTCC under uniaxial tension is experimentally investigated. The experimental results showed UHTCC still possessed strain hardening and good multiple cracking properties under different loading rates. It is found that the loading rate has little effect on the ultimate tensile strain, but when the strain rate is larger than 10-3 s-1, the loading rate effect becomes more pronounced. This study provides some valuable reference for design of structures with UHTCC like materials under dynamic loading conditions.


目的:水泥基材料的拉伸性能会随着荷载速率的变化而变化。本文旨在探讨加载速率为4×10-6~ 1×10-1 s-1时,超高韧性水泥基复合材料直接拉伸初裂抗拉强度、初裂抗拉应变、弹性模量、极限抗拉应变、极限抗拉强度、多缝开裂特性和耗能能力的变化规律,为超高韧性水泥基复合材料在抗震工程中的应用提供必要的科学依据和参考。
创新点:1. 通过直接拉伸试验较为全面地测定超高韧性水泥基复合材料在4×10-6~1×10-1 s-1应变速率范围内的直接拉伸性能;2. 建立适宜的拟合方程,可直观反映多种直接拉伸性能指标随应变率的变化规律。
方法:1. 通过直接拉伸试验,确定加载速率对超高韧性直接拉伸特性的影响(图2和4);2. 通过对实验结果的拟合,简单直观地反映应变率对拉伸弹性模量、初裂抗拉强度和极限抗拉强度的影响规律(图3、5和7)。
结论:基于超高韧性水泥基复合材料薄板直接拉伸试验,当应变速率在4×10-6~1×10-1 s-1的范围内变化时:1. 材料的初裂抗拉强度、初裂抗拉应变、拉伸弹性模量、极限抗拉强度和耗能能力都具有应变速率敏感性,其中除初裂抗拉应变随应变率升高而减小外,其它几项性能指标都显示出明显的动态强化效应;2. 多缝开裂模式和极限抗拉应变对应变率不敏感,极限裂缝宽度始终在100 μm以内,极限抗拉应变保持在3.7%左右;3. 应变率对初裂抗拉强度、拉伸弹性模量、极限抗拉强度和耗能能力的动态增强效应都存在一个阈值(皆在1×10-3 s-1附近),在应变率达到阈值之后,动态效应才更加显著;4. 超高韧性水泥基复合材料具有明显优于混凝土的耗能能力,在地震荷载(对应应变率在1×10-4~1×10-2 s-1)作用下其耗能能力可达C20混凝土的1000倍。


Darkslateblue:Affiliate; Royal Blue:Author; Turquoise:Article


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